Chapter 12

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I woke up and I felt somebody playing with my hair. One of the boys must've been worried about me because its only been about an hour since they've left. I looked to the chair next to me to see it empty. What the heck? I looked up and seen Niall smile weakly down at me.  

"Niall!" I said jumping up on the bed and giving him a hug.  

"It's good to see you to" he said laughing a little bit. He slid over in the bed and I laid next to him, still giving him a hug. I was scared I might lose him again!  

"So what happened?" Niall asked rubbing his head.  

"Well you were in a car crash and you had a sever concussion and they didn't think you'd wake up." I said, my voice a little shaky.  

"Ohhh, well when I was out, I had a dream. It was like I was watching my own funeral. You, the lads, and Simon were in the front row. Simon sat there with his shades on and wiping tears away as they occasionally fell down. The boys looked a complete mess. And you sat between Zayn and Harry. You were crying so much. It came time to close the casket but you refused and you just knelt beside it and cried onto my arm... It was kind if weird" Niall said with a smirk.  

"Well when you were out I cried the whole time, pretty much" I said kind of embarrassed.  

"Awww" Niall said looking down at me. I just hid my face from him so he couldn't see me blushing.   "Are you hungry?" I asked switching the subject.  

"Not really, just tired" Niall said while yawning.  

"Well then go to sleep silly" I said while getting off his bed.  

"You can stay up here" Niall patted the bed for me to get back on.  

"No you should be comfy when you sleep, not crowded" I said sitting in the chair.  

"I was comfy with you by my side" Niall said while he blushed a little.  

"I'm still by your side" I said taking his hand and holding it. Niall slid to the side of the bed closest to me and he slowly fell asleep.    

I watched his chest slowly rising and falling. The baby snores escaping his lips. He didn't look so dead now. He had color in his skin, the wounds were still very visible but he looked better than before. I grabbed my phone with my free hand and began typing a text to Harry rapidly.  

To: My Twinniee 'Niall was just up but he went to sleep since he was tired, if you boys come back to the hospital now, be quiet :) '  

I hit the send button but I never got a reply. They must be sleeping already.   I heard the door open, Then footsteps walking in. I expected to see a doctor or a nurse. Nope! It was Simon Cowell! I never met him before but he always scared me when he was in television.  

"Who are you" Simon asked icily.  

"I-I'm Hannah" I said embarrassed a lot.  

"Ohh Harry's sister" Simon said smiling at me. What? I simply nodded my head.  

"So how was the tour with the boys?" He asked making small talk.  

"A once in a lifetime experience, that's for sure" I said. Simon sat down in the chair opposite side of the bed that I was sitting in my chair.

  "Are you excited for the US tour?" Simon asked.  

"I don't think I'm going" I said awkwardly.  

"Why not? I heard the boys adore you!"  

"Well I SHOULD have already started college so now I need to try and get a job so I can pay for an apartment until I go to college next year" I explained.  

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