Chapter 13

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I woke up to my alarm. It was 9:30 and the boys interview was at 11:00. I wanted to be up when they left and so I could watch their interview. I took a quick shower and put on grey sweatpants with a my Cool Story Bro Tell It Again shirt. It was a bright neon color with black lettering. I walked downstairs to find all the boys eating cereal. I decided that would be a yummy breakfast so I poured myself a bowl to.

"Good morning!" Liam chirped as I sat down at the table. We all were sitting at the table and not at the counter on the bar stools, weird.

"Morning" I said sitting at the end of the table.

"Is it ok if I have a friend over after the interview?" Niall asked me.

"Why are you asking? Of course you can" I said.

"Well it's your house so I figured it would be polite to ask" Niall said, well isn't that cute!

"Who is it?" I asked taking my first bite of cereal.

"Umm Justin Bieber" Niall mumbled a bit. I literally spit cereal and milk all over the table!

"Niall! You know how I feel about him." I said ignoring the mess I had made. I didn't realize that all the boys, besides Niall, were looking at me as if I was insane.

"I know, but give him a chance. Also Alfredo Flores is coming to." Niall said.

"Alright, well I'll just be in my room when you guys get back" I said eating more cereal.

"Your not gonna clean that up?" Louis asked changing the subject.

"Yes I will" I said cleaning up my mess.

  After breakfast the boys left for there interview. I sat in the living room and watched the TV.  

"And now ONE DIRECTION" the women interview said. Soon the boys were walking onstage and sitting in there own separate chairs.

"So how's Michigan boys?" She asked.

"It's been absolutely wonderful" Harry said with a cheeky smile.

"We haven't got to see much if it though, we might need Hannah to take us around and show us more of it" Liam said this made the audience cheer.

"I love the weather, it's always warm and sunny here" Louis commented.  

"Yeah wait till the winter! It's a mitten for a reason bro" I yelled at the screen even though I knew he couldn't hear me.  

"So who's Hannah?" She asked even though it looked as if she knew the answer.

"My little sister" Harry said happily.

"Ohh yes, you tweeted these yesterday. Right?" She asked Harry.

"Yeah, Liam took the pictures, he was being sneaky." Harry said and Liam blushed a little.

"Well they were just like bonding and I thought it was cute, other siblings don't get along so well" Liam shrugged.

"Like you and your sisters?" Louis asked and everybody laughed, including myself.  

The interview went on about stupid things and I kind of tuned out. My attention was caught back in when the lady said "last question, who of you have girlfriends?" Louis, Zayn, and Niall's hands raised. "I'm dating Eleanor" Louis said smiling at the camera. "I'm dating Perrie" Zayn mumbled into the microphone. "I'm dating Hannah" Niall said blushing a little bit.

"Hannah who?" This caught her attention.

"Hannah Styles" Niall said, I felt butterfly's began to flutter.

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