Chapter 15

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My eyes immediately shot open. The first thing I saw was Louis standing above me shaking me. I also noticed Niall wasn't next to me in the chair anymore.

"He went to take a shower an wanted to let you sleep" Louis just like read my mind... Weird

"Where's everybody else?" I asked noticing the living room was empty.

"They all ate breakfast and are getting ready so hurry up, and get ready" Louis practically pulled me out of the chair.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice still groggy from just waking up.

"To the ZOO!" Louis shouted happily... What a child.

I walked in the kitchen with Louis to find Liam, Zayn, and Harry sitting at the table. Soon Louis ran over there to join them.

I ignored the boys and went in search for food. FRUIT LOOPS. yeah that's what I'm eating for breakfast.

I got out a bowl and poured the colorful O's in my bowl, I added a dash of milk and got a spoon and I sat at the bar... away from the boys.

Destanie walked in the kitchen and out to the deck.. I noticed it got strangely quiet. She walked back through with her phone in her hand.. she must've forgotten it out there last night.

"You totally like her mate!" I heard Harry say. My head shot over to look at who he was talking to. Well Louis was blushing so I'm assuming Louis likes her.

"Well you like Michelle!" Louis shot back. Liam looked at me and started laughing.. My face was probably really shocked!

"Shut it Liam we all know you like Sammie!" Harry snapped. I think my eyes are about to fall out of my head! I can't believe it!

"Ohh and Zayn likes Rosie" Liam said to me. Soon all the boys were looking at me.

"I didn't know you were in here" Harry said embarrassed.

"This is strange... You all like one of my friends" I said looking at four blushing faces.

"well I'm gonna go tell them" I said slipping off the stool.

"WAIT!" Louis yelled and then grabbed my arm, he drug me back to the table and I sat down on a chair.

"Don't tell them because then they'll act all flirty in front of us" Liam said as soon as I sat down.

"Actually they'll prolly be shy.. There kind of strange." I said.

"Well we just want it to be normal.. cuz there all a lot of fun" Zayn said.

"Okay well I'm gonna go get changed." I ran upstairs to my room. Michelle and Destanie were straightening there hair while Rosie was debating what shirt to wear, Sammie was putting on her make up.

"What should I wear?" I asked.. I'm not very good at coordinating outfits to look good.. that's why I have my amazing friends to help me.

"Something casual.." Rosie said.

I just stared into space. Casual. So does that mean I can't wear sweatpants? Sweatpants are comfy, so there casual.

"wear Jean shorts and a cute top." Rosie said. I nodded my head and walked into my closet. After changing into Jean shorts and a plain 'cute' top I grabbed my black flip flops and put them on. Then I decided to go do my hair.

"I think I'm gonna straighten my hair" I said plugging in my straightener in, in my bathroom.

"You hardly ever straighten your hair" Michelle said next to me.

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