Chapter 4

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I woke up to somebody snoring loudly. I couldn't really see who it was but I'm assuming I slept in one of the boys bed. I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs. I went in the kitchen and looked at the clock, It was 3:00AM! And I was hungry. I opened the fridge and got a handful of carrots. As soon as I took a bite I heard somebody clear there throat. I jumped! I turned around to see Louis leaning against the doorway wearing just his boxers, and no shirt.

"You scared me!" I said holding the carrots.

"Your eating my carrots" Louis said walking over to me.

"I'll buy you some more if you'd like?" I said.

"Okay! I guess I'll share with you" Louis said grabbing the bag of carrots out of the fridge. Then he walked out of the room, leaving me standing there really confused. Louis then appeared back in the doorway

"are you gonna watch films with me or just stand there?" I followed him into the living room and he turned on a movie.

"What are we watching?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"Finding Nemo!" He yelled sitting cross legged next to me.

"My favorite movie!" Icheered while popping another carrot in my mouth.


  "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming!" We both said at the same time as the movie ended. Then we both broke out into fits of laughter.

"I love dory!" I said happily. This movie always puts me in a good mood.

"She's the coolest fish ever!" Louis said. I laid my head against the back of the couch while smiling. Life is fantastic at the moment! I'm making four new friends and I get to hang out with my brother that I never even knew existed before now. But then I got to thinking about how lonely my aunt back in america must be. She has nobody living with her right now. What is she doing in her spare time? Hopefully she is just relaxing a bit. She was always stressed out and everything. I never even told her how my mom feels about me, I'm sure shed want me to come home right away if she knew she hated me.

"What are ya thinking about?" Louis asked examine my face, trying to read my emotions.

"Oh nothing, my mom and aunt basically" I said crossing my arms.

"Don't worry about her, your gonna be on tour with us and then you can live here with me."

"How long am I gonna be here?" I asked.

"Well Harry told me you were gonna tour Europe and Ireland with us, which is gonna take this summer. Than your going to the states with us which is gonna be like 10 months and if you find a collage over here you might move over here?" Louis said shrugging his shoulders.

"What? I was told I was only gonna be here for like the summer!" I am confused, when was I gonna be told this.

"Surprise?" Louis said. I probably look terrified. This is like a big deal! Moving to England! What is this?!

"Hey you can leave anytime you want to. We we just want to give you the opportunity to live here" Louis said which calmed me down a bit, I guess knowing that I could go home tomorrow made me feel better.

"Lou, I want to go home now" I said.

"Well you can't" he said

"Why?!" I asked sitting up straight.

"Cuz it would break Harry's heart, at the end of the summer you can leave anytime you want. Harry wants to know his twin! His little baby sister!"

"Ok" I said and my phone began to vibrate. I picked it up to see Josh had texted me. 

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