Chapter Two

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*****[Authors Note]***** Ok so there's a lot of skipping days, or hours in the chapter but that's because there would be a lot of wasting time in there, not all my chapters are like this xx  Tild x  

      I grabbed my laptop and ran downstairs to find my mom sitting at the kitchen table. "M-Mom?" I asked with tears pricking at my eyes.

"What wrong sweetie?" She asked, she stood up and slowly walked towards me.

"This, can't be true? Right? It's not true" I said that last part in a whisper. My moms eyes went wide and she slowly nodded.

"Why do I live with you than?" I asked slowly.

"I'm your aunt, your father and mom had twins and I'm not sure why but they gave you up for adoption. I felt like you should live with some sort of family, so I gladly adopted you" she said with watery eyes.

"I have siblings?" I asked. I never knew that. I want to meet my family.

"Your twin is Harry. You have a older sister, Gemma" she said

"Why do you have half of my dads marriage certificate upstairs?" I wondered out loud. "Honestly, I don't know" she laughed.

  ** Three Days Later **

  "Highschool is OVER" I said laying on the couch with relief.  

"Really? I'm sure shed love to! When we talked about it the other day she said she'd love to meet them.... Yeah... Alrighty ill talk to her.... Bye!" I heard my mom click the phone off.

"Honey, how'd you like to spend you summer with your biological family?" She asked sitting next to me.

"I don't want to" I said shaking my head no.

"Why not?" She asked confused.

"What if I'm not welcomed as much because I never was there before? what if they don't want me there?" I asked.

"Honey I called her and she would LOVE for you to go to England to meet them, there excited" my mom said with a smile.

"England?" I gulped.

"Yes! It's lovely there!" My mom said happily.

"Ok, I'll go" I said grinning.

"Good because your plane leaves in three hours, get packing" I literally jumped off the couch and ran upstairs to pack.  

** Two Hours later**

  "Bye mom I'll text you when I land" I said hugging her.

"I love you so much" she said squeezing me tightly.

"Love you to mom" I said hugging her.

"We'll your planes boarding, remember to call me!" She said and I nodded. I got on the plane and took my seat. I was super nervous! I closed my eyes and slept the whole five hour flight.   As I was getting off the plane I noticed a mob of people screaming and shouting, a bunch of cameras were flashing to. I just kept my head down and retrieved my luggage.

"Hannah?" I heard a guy yell me name. I turned and seen a guy with brown curly hair and bright green eyes that were identical to mine, running up to me.

"That's me" I said smiling "Hello my missing half!!" He said hugging me.

"Harry?" I asked and I could feel him shake his head yes."Hi bro!!!!" I said hugging him tightly he laughed.

"Let's go see the rest of our family back at home" Harry said. We walked down the pathway that gated the girls off, they screed when Harry and I walked by.

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