Chapter 18

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Hannahs POV

 Its been 8 months since I've moved up here. People kept recognizing me and Harry Styles sister. So I died my hair really Blonde. I have blue colored contacts, and I straighten my hair everyday before I go out.

Of course I keep up with The Boys on twitter, I have texted Zayn and Louis quit a bit. Harry and I talk on the phone at least once a week. I know me and Niall aren't together anymore becasue he's all over the web with this Amy chick. Which I'm fine with. I haven't been in a realationship since, But that would be hard since the only thing I'm focused on is my career.

"Hannah Guess what!" My friend Amanda asked from sitting on my bed.


"One Direction are comming to town to do a concert before they go back to england! Its the day before we move out! SO in like 2 days!" Amanda said looking at her phone.

"Omg! I wonder if there here because of you?" Destanie asked looking at Amandas phone to. Yeah Destanie happened to be attending college here to! We hang out a lot. I don't have a roomate so we usually chill at my dorm room.

"No probably to get more money, I mean celebrities can never be too rich" I said rolling my eyes.

"Do you guys wanna go out for lunch?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah sure, lets meet McDonalds at noon?" I asked.

"Alrighty" They said while leaving my room.

It was 11:00 when I heard somebody knock on my door.

"Are we leaving early?" I asked while opening the door. My eyes went wide when I saw Louis and Zayn standing there.

"Is Hannah here?" Louis asked looking me straight in the eye. My jaw dropped. Why are they here! I'm kinda glad they can't recognize me. I shook my head no. I noticed Zayn examining my face. I swear to god if he figures it out...

"Hannah!" He said embracing me in a hug. Louis looked at Zayn like he was insane. "why'd you change so much about your appearance?" He asked letting himself in, Louis following.

"I was tired of being noticed as 'Harry Styles sister' or 'The Bitch who broke Nialls heart' it was annoying".

"how'd you change your eye color?" Louis asked

"Contacts" I said

"Ahhh I see,.

"We actually Have to go, we were instructed to give these to the front desk and have them give them to you but we wanted to see you." Zayn said handing me three tickets.

"Actually I'm not gonna be able to make it.. I have things to do" I lied.

"Well cancel them 'Things' because your gonna be there." Louis said as they both got up and stood by the door.

"Alright" I sighed giving them both a hug.

"Can I ask you one little question, WHy did you leave like that. Not telling us, writing the note." Zayn asked.

"I'm not really good at goodbyes I guess" I shrugged.

"He's missed you ya know" Louis said. I'm assuming he's talking about Niall.

"He's missed me so much that he's had his tounge down some other girls throat. There is no need to lie to me louis" I said. At that moment I think I realized how much I missed being with that little Irish boy.

"Amy, Ha thats the biggest rumor there ever has been" Louis said.

"Well it was nice seeing you two I have a lunch date with some friends" I said walking out of my dorm with them. We walked down the hallway when I stopped in my tracks. Niall, Liam and Harry were walking my way.

"Just walk by, there not gonna talk to you" Louis whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and kept walking.

"You werent supposed to go to her room" Harry Grumbeled.

"Bro she wasn't even in ther" Louis said.

"Umm Miss do you know where Hannah Styles is?" Niall asked.

My heart stopped. I slowly turned to them all.. It was a long awkward silence and I couldn't say anything cuz I'm sure they would recognize my voice.

"Niall your scaring the poor girl!" Louis said walking over to my side.

"Bye" I said quietly and walked out of the double doors.

I ran to the McDonalds. It's only like three blocks away.

When  I got there I noticed Destanie and Amanda were already eating. I also noticed they had ordered for me.

"Sorry I'm late, I got us One Direction tickets" I said as soon as I sat down.

"Really! I thought you didn't want to go." Amanda said

"I don't but I am gonna go."  I said.

We continued our lunch and didn't talk about the Boys for the rest of the time. They knew it was a subject I didn't like talking about.

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