The Boy and The Bridge

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Darryl's POV

It was an early Sunday morning at 9 am. The town was quieter than normal hours of the day, but people were still out riding their bikes down the streets like any other. Cars drove to work or the local church. The birds chirped outside and fluttered around the trees. I heard the sound of my Rat panting as we walked down the street. It was one of the first warmer days of the year.

I was walking from this local cafe/bakery nearby my apartment. I liked to buy their gluten-free muffins and get a cup of tea. I did this every morning, and usually brought home an extra muffin for myself. Nothing ever interesting happened on these walks. I just enjoyed watching the small amount of people awake this early and to hear the sounds of nature. Rat enjoyed our walks as well.

We took our time on our walks together for a few reasons. I was never in any hurry, and Rat liked to sniff the grass or rocks and do.. business. Rat was also often pet by people on the sidewalks as well. I didn't ever really stop to talk to other people, but on occasion I would say hello to one of my friends during my walk.

The warm air felt so nice today, since we were so used to the cold. I felt refreshment and joy. I thought about going biking later down this street, without Rat of course. I don't think you can walk a dog while riding a bike. I can't imagine it being safe.

Nearing the bridge, I knew I was almost home. I didn't wanna quite go back into my apartment yet. I enjoyed being outside and admiring the nature and life of this town. Being outside filled me with a lot of happiness. I continued walking without paying not too much attention, when my heart froze.

There was a boy on the bridge.

He was standing on the ledge. He looked very hesitant and scared. He looked so deathly skinny and sick, even in his baggy blue hoodie. The boy was hyperventilating and talking to himself on the bridge. I knew

He was going to jump off the bridge.

My heart froze and the world around me became distorted and a blur. This felt like an hour. I ran in slow motion up to the boy. Fear consumed me.

"WAIT!!!" I screamed. "PLEASE DON'T!!"

The boy screamed as he was startled.


"No you don't. Please!" I said with a tone of begging and pleading.

"I'm sorry- there's not much hope for me," He said.

"That's not true. There's hope for everyone," I said.

"I-I don't know," he said with a stutter and a sob.

I stepped closer to him and reached my hands out.

"Please step down. What's your name?" I say with such desperation and tears.

"..My name is Zak," He said, still standing on the ledge and looking down. "Please go away. I don't want someone to see me jump."

"Zak, I'm Darryl. We can talk okay? We can talk. You don't have to do this. We can get you help. I can take you to the psychiatric ward and they can set you up with resources."

"I don't want to go to the psychiatric ward. I can't. I have nowhere to go afterwards either. I'd just end up right back here," he said sounding more unsure of himself.

I think it was working.

"Then why don't you come with me? Please! Stay with me. Let's go to my apartment and let me try to talk you into going. You can stay with me after! I need a roommate actually."

"Roommates?" He said in a sob, but it sounded like he had more hope and light in his voice.

"Of course Zak. I just need you to step off the ledge first."

"D-D-Darryl... I. I'm scared I'm going to fall... I-"

"I'm right here. I won't let you slip."

Zak steps down from the ledge trembling with help from me as I held onto him. He immediately collapses down on the side of the bridge and I wrap my arms around him in a hug. We stay like that for several minutes, hugging at the side of the bridge. He clung onto me and sobbed for several minutes, but he slowly started to calm down after crying his heart out in my chest.


"Shhh it's okay."

We let go when Rat barked, bringing us back to reality. I smiled at my dog. Zak reached to pet Rat. He looked happier petting Rat.

"Is th-this your dog?" Zak asked with a weak, sad smile.

"Yeah Zak. This is my dog Rat." I said.

"I've- I've never had a dog before. I always wanted one."

"Rat can be your dog too then."

Zak smiled more and tried to stand up.

"How far is your apartment?" He asked.

"My apartment is not far from this bridge. I'll help you get there." I said.

Zak and I walked away from the bridge to my apartment. We stayed silent for the most part as we walked. We went slow as he looked like he was in quite a lot of physical pain and he was weak. I let him lay his head across my shoulder as we walked.

My apartment was small, but luckily I had a spare bedroom. This all felt so surreal to me. I'm letting this kid move in that I just met on a bridge? I have no regrets in letting Zak move in though. Something about him made me feel like I could trust him. Besides, he needed someone right now regardless.

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