A Muffiny Day

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Darryl's POV

I woke up and Rat was barking from the living room. Rat scratched at the door and kept barking.  I heard someone groaning in the other room in pain, and it was too early to remember who was there.

Who's in my apartment??

When I tried to get out of bed, I felt the pain in my entire body. I let out a yelp. The pain shooting down my entire body made me remember last night.

Zak was still asleep in the bed snoring, so Vincent must be the one out there. I stumbled over to the dresser, as since Vincent was here I would have to get out of my muffin pajamas.

I could barely even walk to my dresser and kept inhaling deeply as I walked. It was hard not to yelp more. Did I break some bones?

Changing clothes was even harder, as I felt a sharp pain when I lifted my legs to put on my pants. My whole body hated me at that moment. Thanks, George.

I don't regret beating him up though. He hurt Zak. I would be beaten up 100 times if it meant I would prevent Zak from getting hurt.

After surviving putting on my clothes,  I walked out into the living room.

"Good morning," Vincent said from the couch with a tired, half asleep voice.

"Good morning, French man," I said.

Vincent groaned again.

"I think the dog needs food or something, where's the dog food at?" Vincent asked, "I think my body probably hurts the least out of all of us, but I have a terrible hangover."

"The dog food is in that cabinet right there," I said and tried to point to a cabinet, but lifting my arm set it on fire.

"I think I know what cabinet you're talking about," Vincent said and got up from the couch, "what's your dog's name?"

"She's my Rat."

Vincent got out the dog food and looked around for the dog bowl. Rat sat there jumping up and down and wagging her tail. Vincent spotted the bowl, and picked it up. He poured the dog food and sat it on the floor. Rat began to eat the ham flavoured dog food as fast as possible, wagging her tail as she did.

"Cute dog," He said.

"So uh, Vincent. Thank you for taking out George and Harvey. You really didn't have to do that," I said.

Vincent shrugged.

"Why did you? You barely know Zak and you could have just stayed outside with him," I asked.

"Well, I guess my morals?" Vincent shrugged more. "I couldn't let you just get beaten down. I hate monsters as well. Plus, it probably didn't help I was drunk, though I felt sober."

"Speaking of that, I'll get you a pill for your hangover and get you some water," I said and walked into the kitchen.

Vincent gladly took the pill and he sipped down all of the water.

"I really shouldn't have went to the party last night. I shouldn't drink and I know it. I just felt really bad," He said.

"It's alright, man. You made a mistake and it's a common mistake," I said.

We both heard crying coming from my bedroom.

"You should go check up on him," said Vincent.

"One moment," I said and ran into the room as best as I could despite the pain in my body.

I opened the door and Zak was curled up and crying. He had his hand covering his face.

"Zak? Do you want me to lay down next to you?" I asked.

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