Mouse trap

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Zak's POV

"I'm really confused Darryl," I said as me and him got into the van together.

I told him that Vincent texted me that he was drunk and at a party. He needed our help to leave. Darryl quickly woke up then and so did I.

"What's confusing, muffin?" He asked.

"Well, Vincent told me he didn't have any friends or family here. He said he felt even more abandoned and isolated. How did he end up at a party?" I asked.

"Well he probably met someone or crashed the party," He said.

"I know but it's just very strange. Either way, he needs our help." I said.

"Zak, I'd be careful around that muffin. Are you sure you want to chance it? He is a stranger."

"You took the chance on me," I said.

"Well that's a bit different, Zak," He said.

My phone just vibrated again, and it was from George. The notification screen had said it was an image. I was really scared to look at it. I clicked on the notification and my phone screen loaded.

It was an image of me when I was knocked out after he beat me up.

He took pictures???

I look at myself. My bones are sticking out and there's blood smeared all over me. My eye was black and I looked dirty. I was red from marks and my face looked wet from tears.

Another message came in.

"This will be you if I ever see you again. But worse."

I quickly shut off my phone. Darryl looked over at me concerned.

"What was that, muffin?" He asked.

I swallowed and tried to remain calm. That night.. It was so awful. It was the first night he physically hurt me. It was because he was mad. I just let him hurt me until he left.

"Oh the message? It was from Carol. Typical mom lecturing type stuff. I'm not sure why she cares," I lied.

George won't find me.

We arrived at the house of the party that Vincent was at after minutes of going down wrong streets and pulling over. The house was big and there was loud music playing. I could hear people cheering and the sound of splashes from a backyard pool. The music made the whole street vibrate. I felt uncomfortable with the loud noise, so I look around for Vincent outside.

Vincent is sitting on the porch of the house. I tell Darryl one second and get out of the car.

"Hey Vince," I said as I walked up to him.

"Zaaaaaakkkkk! Psych ward buddy!! Long time no see," Vincent said and tried to stand up. He looked dizzy.

"Be careful there man. I'll bring you over to the van and let you explain what happened," I said.

"A van?" He asked.

I kept a close eye on him when he stumbled around. He suddenly stopped and threw up in the middle of the street. He drank that much?

He said he was good and started to stumble towards the van again. I opened the van sliding door for him and then got into the passenger seat.

"How'd you get here, Vince?" I asked.

"Well, I met a boy on a dating app and we went to this cafe. I know, typical. Anyway, he was named Clay. We sat there talking and drinking coffee. He was really cute. He got a text on his phone from a guy named Jacob saying he was invited to a party. Clay brought me to the party. We had fun and drank and danced and then I lost Clay. I just kept getting more drunk and drunk and I didn't know where Clay was so I messaged you," He said.

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