Looking Up

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Darryl's POV

I was laying  on the sidewalk and I felt rain hit my body. My whole body was freezing from being soaked on in the rain. The cement underneath me made my back hurt and feel funny.

I opened my eyes when I heard the sound of  thunder booming and saw a flash as I opened them. I quickly got off of the ground and looked around me. No one was out in this storm. I could barely see in front of me as the rain was everywhere. I tried to pull out my phone for help, but it was just a blue screen.

I walked a bit down the sidewalk and I still couldn't tell where I was going. I had reached a crosswalk and could only tell because of the faint, white paint on the ground. I try to look around again. 

"Hello? Can anyone help me?" I tried to yell into the storm. "Hello?"

Nobody replied to me. I decided to cross the road and hoped no car would come. I made it to the other side, but I was scared. Lighting flashed all around me and I couldnt hear anything but the thunder.

I kept walking and then I finally recognized a building next to me. It was the cafe where I would get my muffins. The neon sign said it was closed forever. There was heavy bolts and locks onto the door. This was weird as they never  mentioned anything about it closing to me when I was last there.

Alright, I could get myself home. This was weird, but I had to get home. I started to run down the street. The thunder got louder and the lighting illuminated the whole sky in violent flashes. There was wind and rain hitting against my body.

I reached the bridge to my apartment. A man was standing on the ledge.

It was Zak. Oh no. Oh god no, he was going to jump off again. I couldn't let him. I started sprinting towards him.

"Zak!!!" I yelled.

Zak spread his arms and jumped off the bridge. I ran over to the ledge and watched him fall.







I screamed and couldn't stop screaming. Zak jumped off the bridge. I couldn't stop it in time. I couldn't make this stop.

I quickly ran down to the safe way down the bridge and towards his body. It was on the ground completely still. A pool of blood was surronding it. I  screamed more and vomitted onto the ground.

I ran over to Zak, and turned his face around. I began sobbing and screaming why as the lighting flashed around me and the thunder yelled too. The rain cried tears for him.

"I'm already dead, Darryl," the dead body said.

"No. No. You can't be!" I yelled.

"I'm already dead. You couldn't stop me. You were too late, Darryl," the body said.

All I did was scream more and sobbed. This couldn't be happening. Zak couldn't be dead. This couldn't be happening.

"Darryl!" The dead body said.

I felt my body being shook. I screamed more and didn't know what was happening to me. .

"Darryl? Darryl wake up!" Zak said, "It's just a dream. Wake up. You're safe!"

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my apartment bedroom and Zak was standing there in front of me, alive and well. Tears were falling from my face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Zak asked.

I didn't say much and he got in bed next to me and pulled me close to him. He held me in his arms like I was his and like he had to protect me. I felt so safe with him and relieved to know I was dreaming.

"I dreamed that I woke up on a sidewalk because it was storming and I was cold from the rain and uncomfortable from the cement. I couldn't see anything in the dream, so I kept walking aimlessly through the streets. I made it to the bridge, and you were there again. This time, you jumped off. I watched you fall to the ground like a rain drop and splatter. There was blood everywhere.  When I ran down to you, you spoke to me. You kept saying you were already dead and blaming me," I explained and squeezed Zak close to me.

"Corpses don't talk, so you don't have to worry about that happening. I won't ever be on that bridge again either. You saved me. You're incredible, Darryl," He said and cradled me.

I buried my face into his chest and just laid there for a bit. Zak helped calm me down and he gave me sweet kisses. He rubbed my back and hummed a little song as he did so. He was so good at comforting people. I hoped I comforted him too.

"So Darryl?" Zak started to say.


"I ate a bit of Skippy while you were asleep.. Are you... are you proud... of me?" He asked.

I instantly smiled and gasped and made a noise I can't describe. He ate without me there?

"Really? I'm so proud of you. That's awesome, Zak!!!" I said and pulled him into a big hug.

"I didn't purge it either," He said with a weak smile.

I gave him a long kiss on the lips. I felt so proud of him for being able to do that.

He kissed me back and wrapped his arms tight around my body as he did. I pushed myself closer to him and we kissed with so much power and love. I wrapped my arms around him too and we both kissed with all our hearts and souls. The kiss was intense and lasted several minutes.

After, my cheeks were completely red from blushing. Zak's were too. We both had our breath taken away from this kiss. I felt a lot of intense feelings during and after the kiss. We had many small kisses after that and we held each other super close.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you more," He said.

And we would kiss again after giggling.

I'm so proud of him. I love him so much. I hope he keeps up the great work he's been doing.

We kept kissing and being super close to each other until Vincent walked into the room.

"Hey guys so I-uhhhhh" He said and quickly backed out.

"That's what you get for not knocking!" Zak yelled.

I blushed super hard and pulled away a bit.

That was super embarrassing. Why did Vincent have to come over again?

Apparently, the night Vincent was drunk he didn't recognize that this was his apartment building too. In fact, he lived across the hall. I guess he didn't recognize when it was sober either from the inside, but I heard the one bedroom apartments look different. That could be the case, but how different could it look? Vincent has been my neighbor all along, and I never saw him before that. However, I think I remember a man that would play French music loudly. I didn't know it was French at the time, but I could hear it from my apartment. I never complained. It must have been him.

There was a vague post on the news board that a man in the building would be in the hospital for a suicide attempt a  month ago. He was hospitalized for a very long time then, way before Zak. I wonder how he paid for it.

Vincent ever since has been just coming over. We welcome him here and tell him he doesn't need to call or anything, but I didn't expect him to just try to come in a closed bedroom door.

"I should've locked the door," I said.

"Don't worry, he'll forget it," Zak said.

"No I won't!!! That was traumatizing!" Vincent yelled through the wall.

"We should probably go out there and talk to them," I said.

"Yeah we should," Zak said, but he only wrapped his arms tighter around me.

A few more minutes.

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