thirty three

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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓─────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹─────

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I was ready to charge inside the burning mansion when I heard my name called from behind me over a loud speaker. "Agent Park Jimin, this is your final warning to leave the premises and return to where I am. You have ten seconds to cooperate, or your actions will not be treated lightly,"

I turn around to meet General Enzo, and we exchanged glances. "There are innocents in this building!" I yelled back, hands balled up. "Those who have a family waiting at home! And you're killing because you've been assigned a mission?!" With wrath, I exclaimed. "I will not let you get away with murdering innocent people! And there's no way I'm going back!"

Doctor Anwir takes over the speaker as I redirect my focus to the burning mansion. "Remember, Jimin, the commitment I made to you. Only if you return will I show you the laboratory and the truth," he replies. "This is a command. I'm the one who organized this assignment and I'm your superior, so listen to me and—"

"You?" I halt and gently turn around. "You're the one that wanted Y/N assassinated just for a stupid experiment? You're the one who came up with this mission and assigned this nonsense to me?!" I responded with anger. "You're a fucking monster!"

Doctor Anwir sighs and adds, "I am sorry, but I cannot help you at this time as you have officially been labeled a traitor to the MWT." He then puts down the speaker. He gives them a nod as he stares at the men with assault guns aimed at me.

My eyes widened as I dashed towards the entrance, bullets whizzing past my head and ripping apart the flowers. I collapsed to the ground after ramming my shoulder through the wooden doors. I rolled to the side to avoid getting shot as the troops continued to shoot. I coughed as I stepped farther inside due to the scorching chemicals in the air. Thankfully, the attack silenced.

I cautiously looked about, only to watch paintings turn to ash and furniture melt. "Does anyone else happen to be here? Please respond! Doctor Y/L/N? Y/N? Father? Anyone?!" I let out a yell.

A massive piece of log fell in front of my path as I proceeded cautiously through the scorching corridors. I tumbled and miraculously avoided getting crushed. While gasping, I immediately regret breathing in. I covered my mouth and nose, "Fuck, my throat and eyes are burning," I murmured in my brain as terror grew.

The flames raged forward, scorching everything in their path. "Y/N?!?" I said as I climbed up the stairs and opened each door. "Father?!" I yelled and screamed, but there was no response. The rooms were either filled with burned bodies or left vacant.

I continued walking through the searing maze, careful not to get burned as the flames grew closer to my skin. But then something crunches under my feet. My heart began to plummet as I backed away. I knelt down and took the necklace I'd given to Y/N. Immediately, my head were telling me that she's near. I began sprinting without losing any more time as the thought of me being too late made me shake. I grasped the doorknob as I neared the room at the end of the hallway, which should have been Doctor Y/L/N's, office, but the metal burned my hand. I cursed and let out a hissing agony.

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