fourty one

315 15 0

When we all arrived to the garage, the streets were also empty with barely any cars pass by. It was obvious that the Wrath's somehow took complete control over the area as many were stationed outside and inside with barrels filled with fire and cars destroyed.

Namjoon parked the van at a location to where the street lights weren't working, so therefore it was harder to see where we would be coming from. I slid open the door and quietly jumped out as everyone else, besides Taehyung who was busy hacking through the surveillance cameras, followed behind me.

Namjoon pulls out his assault rifle, while Yoongi draws out his pistol he stole from a dead man. As we crouched and peered over the corner behind the wall, we see at least two Wrath's stationed out on both sides of the garage door.

"I'll take the guy on the right, Yoongi will take the one on the left," Namjoon says as he slowly began to creep up towards the two hostiles. However, I stop him by placing my hand against his chest. He looks down at me confused. "Got any better ideas?"

"Actually, I do." I spoke and grabbed a glass bottle. I stood up slightly and threw it against the wall next to them. They both look at the shattered glass, picking the pieces up.

"How'd this break?" One of them asked as the other one stood over his shoulder, humming in response.

I then quickly ran towards the one on the left and jumped onto his back with my knife in hand. The man struggles to break free from the grasp of my legs around his neck, and screams for a moment once he felt my blade stab through his throat. Once the man I was on fell to the ground, I slid my leg under his, causing him to trip and fall onto his back. He lets out a yelp, groaning. I immediately jumped on top of his chest and also dug the knife into his neck before slicing it open.

I slowly got up and wiped the sweat off of my forehead, "that was easy." I spoke and looked over at the group who only stared at me. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain around my body. My muscles and limps went into shock and stiffened.

I let out a scream and fell to the floor.

"H-Hackers!" I screamed out.

Everyone raises their gaze to the garage to see multiple CyberHackers gazing down on the group. Namjoon curses underneath his breath and began to start firing his auto rifle. Meanwhile, I still couldn't move. My net was jammed and malfunctioning. Jimin ran into the crossfire and grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me back into safety.

Then, a drone lets out a distressed squeal before Yoongi drove her mechanical hand inside the drone's eye, breaking it, shutting it down as the red light disappears and it fell midair. He hopped off the drone and easily landed on one of the cargos. But because of his landing, a loud metal thud echoed around the area. More Wraths began to appear, heavily armed and hyped. Yoongi ignores the incoming backup and started searching for one particular cargo that we're supposed to take.

Yoongi's eyes wanders through the metal crates, his footsteps light on the one she's on to make less wanted noise. With his advanced eyesight to x-ray through walls, he sees a shape outlined as the vehicle Kira was talking about. He radios through the channels, "Think I found the cargo. Heading straight to the vehicle and we get the hell out."

But, a high whistling is heard on her right. Yoongi swiftly deflected a bullet with his mechanical arm as a blade extends out. He narrowed his eyes to see a man standing on the other side of the garage, holding a sniper.

To aid his path, I took aim and fired, taking down the man with one shot in the head. Yoongi looks at me and gives me an approving nod before jumping off the cargo and landing on the ground. As he heads out in the clearing, a yell is heard behind me. I ducked down and dodged a bat coming at my face from a full swing. The man raises his nailed bat once again, pulling it downward. I rolled to the floor and see how the bat destroys another rusted car, bending the metal.

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