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For the past two weeks, Y/N has been confined to her bedroom. She seemed great the last time I saw her in the kitchen, but I guess things have finally sunk in. I don't blame her; I would be imprisoned in my own room for who knows how long. I take one of my firearms and stuff it inside my jacket. Tonight we have an assignment about the Outlaws. They haven't settled their bills between us, which irritates Namjoon.

As everyone was getting ready, I went downstairs. They all glanced at me and inquired, "Are you prepared? It'll be a long night." I smirked as I gazed up at Jungkook.

"When was I ever not ready?" We both laugh as Namjoon emerges, frustrated and armed. He made it apparent that he intended to assassinate their boss. Namjoon has no intention of modifying his intentions. Namjoon was dangerous because of this. He can be nice one day and then turn into a murdering machine till the battery dies.

"All right, let's go." Namjoon says, his daggering gaze making us all stiffen a little. Was this a significant deal for him? Was it so important that he'll execute them? We all nodded and made our final preparations before heading to the car.

When we arrived at our destination, the Outlaw groups were also armed and hanging around waiting for us. Something tells me that it's not going to end well. Namjoon quickly approached them and took his place, aiming his gun towards the leader's head.

The leader smirked as Namjoon clenched his jaw. "Where's the fucking money?" Namjoon demanded.

"Oh, it's absolutely here, Kim Namjoon, don't worry about it," the leader chuckles. Namjoon takes another step forward, pointing his rifle at the man's head.

"So, where is it?!" Namjoon increases his voice, his displeasure growing.

The leader grins "I've changed my mind, I want the girl—" Namjoon shoots the leader in the head, sparking a commotion among the gang members.

Gunshots, fists meeting flesh, yelps of anguish, and even bodies falling dead to the ground erupted in the building where the gang is housed. I ducked behind the pillar, as did Hoseok, reloading my gun while everyone else fired. I take a deep breath and aim my gun from the sides, killing two men with a single bullet.

We were able to kill every single one of them fuckers after some time fighting them. Namjoon kicked the leader's motionless body and rubbed his shoe against his face. All seven of us were still standing when the fight concluded. They're such scumbags. Jungkook spat on the ground next to the dead body before rubbing his bloodied hand over his white shirt and said, "This was my favorite shirt too, piece of crap," before rejoining the others.

"That was simple and quick. Hoseok said as he stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles, but a nasty smirk was pasted on his lips, "Wish they had more men to be honest—that was a little bit too quick and simple."

"How did news get around so quickly that Y/N was staying with us?" Looking at his reflection in the puddle of blood, Yoongi pointed out.

"I'm not sure," Namjoon continues, "But we need to be cautious. In everyone's views, she's almost like a key target. She possesses information about each and every one of us. It seems others want her to gain access into us."

Yoongi, who was crouching on a heap of bodies, sighed boredly. His rifle was dangling from his right hand, and his elbows were resting on his spread thighs. "True, but we still need to learn a lot more about her. We don't even know about her book, but she knows every page of ours."

"However, why did they want Y/N to begin with?" Jungkook says this while kicking the bodies with his hands in his pockets. My blood was boiling just thinking about how they wanted Y/N. Why is it that everyone wants to harm her? She is completely defenseless in the face of the risks.

"Well, she's APEX—" Taehyung exclaims. Everyone else's jaws dropped to the ground as they turned their heads to Taehyung. I completely neglected to inform them last night.

"Pardon me, but what is she now?" Hoseok shouts, his shrill voice booming around the deserted mall. I shrug and put on an uneasy smile when Taehyung stares at me. He shakes his head and mentally smacks himself in the face.

I muttered under my breath, "Fuck, I forgot to tell you guys," but they all stared at me, waiting for the exclamation. I sigh and take a seat "The APEX project used Y/N as a test subject. Ace and her father intended to save what little consciousness she had and turn it into data. We're still not sure how she died, but she's now united with APEX in some way. She has access to technology that the government wants. "What we're concealing is worth millions. In an estimate— it's near damn a billion dollars."

"Almost a billion? That's a colossal sum of money. But how would she be able to tell? She's preoccupied with her Flower Shop and her evil cat!" Taehyung says this, evidently hating Luna.

"She's not that horrible, she's a sweetheart," I answer, surprised, "Anyway, she already knows. That is why she will not leave her room. Ace, on the other hand, feels that because Y/N is APEX, he can uncover the hidden vault. It's been suggested that her spirit is intertwined with the data,"

Everyone widens their eyes. "Wait, what do you mean by that?"

Taehyung takes the initiative. "I believe this since she is still alive owing to the quantity of data corruption. APEX itself is keeping her soul alive, which is why she's still here. I've done some preliminary research on her and discovered that she worked for the DTS; Data Transfer Saving Corporation and was the creator of the controversial APEX program. Her life was turned upside down when she was kidnapped by the MWT; Military Weaponry Transport Corporation owned by Ace, who used her to construct a version of the software for them, and eventually became the first victim of the program. Her consciousness is now simply a digital phantom. As a result, she was listed as a missing person."

Taehyung then hands out his phone to show a picture of a missing poster twelve years ago of Y/N.

"Jesus Christ, not only is she a carbon clone of APEX, but she's also a missing person," Namjoon says as he hands me my phone back. Everyone was as surprised as Namjoon, so I nodded.

"That's very messed up; does Y/N have any idea what's going on?" Jin says this while laying against the pillar with his arms crossed.

"She knows everything except for the fact that she is a missing woman."

Namjoon says, "Poor girl."

"Poor girl indeed," I agreed.

"Is there anyone out there that can—you know—separate her from the data?" Jungkook pointed out. "I mean like, she had other people make APEX. They know the shit from inside-out, there has to be someone out there who can save her."

We all stood silent.

"We don't know, Jungkook. This isn't something we do. We're just criminals; terrorists in the corporate eyes. But this is beyond our own understanding," Jin responds and sighs. "If there is someone out there, let's just hope whatever they do actually works."

"How do we find them?"

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