Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV


"What the.." I mumbled, only to see my cat urging me to feed her.

"(F/N)! You're going to be late if you keep stalling!"
Mom yelled from the kitchen.
It's only 6:49...I think...Wait, did mom cook breakfast? Lunch?
"I'm heading out! Remember to lock the door!"
I snapped out of my thoughts and ran to the shower.

(Time skip- After getting ready)

Why is the skirt so short..? I thought to myself while walking to school.
Am I going to be alright? Am I going to make friends? Which class do I go to first? Where should I buy my lunch? It's so weird to transfer to a new school when the year already started! How will I-

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." A guy with silver hair said.
"I-I spaced out, sorry..."
"Haha, are you new here?"
"Um...yea...I'm a third year..."
"Oh? Well, be careful, I'll see you soon...!"

See you soon?

(Time Skip)

"Class, today we have a transfer student, so please introduce yourself."

When he teacher turned to me, I felt that all the eyes were on me, but I couldn't say anything.
Say something! You can't just stand here all day...
"M-My name is (L/N) (F/N)... I-It's nice t-to meet y-you...!" I managed to stutter out.
Nice to meet you?! What are you doing?!

"Alright, (L/N)-San, you can go sit next to Sugawara-San."
It's that guy..! Why do I have a bad feeling about this....AHHH IM SO EMBARRASSED
I walked to my seat and sat down quickly. That was awkward.
"Okay, so open to page 6, and read this individually."

"(L/N)-San!" Sugawara whispered.
I jerked my head over.
"Do you want to go to our practice? I play volleyball."
This isn't good...
"Do you want to come...?"
"Er- Okay?"
WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?! You can't tell them that you play, no, you can't....
My mom was a professional soccer player, and my dad is a professional volleyball player, but they retired and opened a sports shop.

"(L/N)-San, answer question 92"
"U-Um 97?"

Sugawara's POV
Wow, she's really smart... But was that a guess? But...not only she's smart...she's also...beautiful. I see why many people even Asahi! Have been looking at her... She's killing me...

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now