Chapter 16

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Ello! I guess I lost half of my motivation on writing this, but since it reached 1K, I cant stop here. And after all, I've stirred up so much drama.


"What are you doing here?! I thought you're in Osaka-"

"I got accepted to a college here, and, what are YOU doing here?!"

I gulped and told her everything.

"Well, all you're saying is bullsh*t. Just because your father shot you down doesn't mean that you are 'depressed'. It's not even that serious! Yea, your dad is crazy, but that doesn't mean that you have to be like him." Aria-Senpai said while rustling through her short, white hair.

"You've got a point but, that's too hard..."

"Too hard?! God, you're still so self centered. Always apologizing when you do something, not know how selfish you are. From what you said, what about the boy?! Koushi, was it? If you know he loves you, do what you need to do!"

I just stood in silence and absorbed everything she said.


"Think about it. It's really not a big deal. It's just that everyone adores you too much, and pampers you with everything. Your dad? Strict? Pfft, he may get mad but at least hey, he didn't kick you out."

"Kick you...out?" I muttered inaudibly.

"That's right. I got kicked out in junior high."

"'re using their money?"

"Now I am. I work as a barista now. That keeps my balance balanced. God, the rent is so expensive..."

I gapped my mouth open and stared in disbelief.

"I have to go now, remember what is said." Aria-Senpai walked away.

I turned around with my eyes glistening more than before.

I see...I've always lived in the comfort zone. When something bad happens, people comfort me. Aria-Senpai is so...amazing.

I sat on my back and rode the bike home.

How should I convince my dad? By saying that I'm done? I never thought I had to confront my dad...

I parked my bike and went back in the house.

Mom gave me a worried expression.


He looked at me with blank eyes.

"I apologize for running off all the sudden and, I would like to tell you, I want to let go now. I don't want to be safe in your hands anymore. That's enough. I want to do what I want, I'm sure my decisions won't be correct all the time but, you don't have to worry. So..I-I'll say this one last want to be with Koushi."

I went upstairs quietly and went to the shower.

(Y/N)'s Mom's POV

"Is this what you were looking for?" I asked, drying my hands.

Haru shook his head and sighed, "No...but for someone like her to come up with such's not easy."

"Someone like her?" I walked in the meeting room.

"Yes, someone like her. She have been protected all her life, so she should be weak and sensitive. Even though she had been raped, she couldn't get over it. So...I didn't expect that."

"You changed from nice to insane to calm in this week." I turned around and walked away.

"I would have stayed nice if he haven't done my daughter on the first day I met her."

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