Chapter 13

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"Ah, (F/N), come here for a second." Koushi pointed.

I followed him to a corner. This can't be good.

"Love, is it?" I questioned stroking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He nodded and held both of my hands with his. He stared into my eyes and I fell into his brown pupils.

"Please, it pains me to see you so sad...I know that the both of us are going through something. This isn't something that high schoolers go through for sure..."

"Koushi, I've actually talked to my dad yesterday...and with Oikawa." I said looking back. "My dad said that I need to pick myself up and back to reality, and Oikawa tried to help me...he said, if my love for...well, nevermind that. "

"You love me...r-right...?" Koushi asked awkwardly. I nodded and looked at him. "If you really do, that's more than enough to convince your dad."


I let go of his hands and laughed slightly.

"This is not the end, well...I hope not. Being with all of you is very fun." I remarked.

"Hey! Don't act like you're dying!" Koushi pretended to be mad walking

"Gomen, gomen, but maybe I will think of committing suicide if my dad wants to kill me..." I joked.

"Don't be like that, hurry up, you're helping Kiyoko with something today, aren't you?" Koushi laughed.

"WAHH, I FORGOT! SEEYOULATER." I scurried off.

(Time skip)

"Be careful and come back soon!" Kiyoko yelled as I opened the door.

"You'll be okay managing everything...right? I mean, I don't help much anyways." I said nervously.

Kiyoko just laughed and nodded, washing the rice.

I jogged outside and onto the pavement. Maybe I'm just over reacting...I shouldn't be throwing tantrums like my dad said...NO! You're just calling into his hands...what should I do..I'm such a failure.

I stopped in my tracks finally noticing that I'm jogging too far.

Is this a gym...? No, is that.........Nekoma...?

I peeked through the window from afar. Suddenly a Mohawk head bursted through the window screaming. I jumped back in surprise and he noticed me.


"A-Ah, um, I'm supposed to head back now...? I have to prepare dinner for my team..?" I walked closer to the window.

"Team?" A guy with spiky black bedhair asked.

I nodded and beamed, "Karasuno!"

The guy with the mohawk lost it and started yelling, "SO THEY DO HAVE A HOT MANAGER! Well...she's more of the cute type than sexy, but she is hot indeed...THAT JUST MAKES IT WORSE! KARASUNO'S MANAGER IS HOT AND CUTE."

"I think you mean Kiyoko, not me...heh..." I grinned sheepishly.

"THEY HAVE 2 MANAGERS?!" He wailed.

"Urusai, Yamamoto. Well, I'm Kuroo the captain of Nekoma, that's Yamamoto, that's Kenma," Kuroo went on and on.

"Okay! It's nice meeting you guys! I hope to see you all tomorrow, see you!!" I waved and walked away.

"Sh-She waved at me..." Yamamoto gushed.

"Kuso...I jogged too far..." I looked at my flimsy, overwhelmed legs. It won't hurt to call a taxi...I hope...

I took out my phone and called a taxi. The taxi arrived shortly and I climbed in the taxi and gave the address.

"You know, you look familiar." The taxi driving looked back.

"You look like my uncle." I stated halfheartedly. Wait what-

"You look like (F/N)-Chan! It's me, Uncle Kei!" He exclaimed looking back at the road.


"I got fired."

There was a silence between the both of us. A comfortable one.

"Are you okay? How's Oikawa?"

I froze and asked, "How do you know..."

"I swear, my brother has such a big mouth he can't keep anything in. He told me when we were having a conversation about sport cars."

I just sighed dug my purse.

"You don't have the best relationship with your dad, don't you?"

"It's not anything like that...well...he can be nice but can also make stupid decisions for me. It's...stupid..."

"You don't sweat much, don't you?" Uncle Kei chuckled.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Hey, you can stop here." I said slapping the money in his hand.

"Have a nice day, and don't fight too much!" Uncle Kei waved.

I stepped out of taxi and walked in the building.

"Hihi, Kiyoko!" I walked into the kitchen. She looked up from storing the Miso Soup and smiled, "You didn't get lost this time!"

"Haha...I actually did..." I muttered putting on a spare apron. "This is tight..."

Kiyoko simply just laughed and joked, "You're gaining some weight."

I pouted and took the tofu out of the fridge and

"I-I mean the chest..! The chest is tight! I can't believe I'm saying this..." I trailed off adjusting the apron showing Kiyoko that the chest part was tight.

"Wow, (F/N), you're so bold..." Kiyoko looked behind me. I turned around to see Koushi covering his hands on his face blushing, while blood was trickling down his hand. DID I DO ANYTHING WRONG AGAIN- Oh wait...

"K-Kiyoko! Why didn't you tell me...?!" I said gently slapping her arm.

"You were so shocked..Pfft.." Kiyoko laughed.

I looked behind me covering my chest with my arms but that just made Koushi start nose bleeding again.

I raced to get tissues and folded them.

"Wait a moment...!" I said touching his face, dabbing the tissue on his nose and chin. His face ended up even redder and he just stood there.

"A-Are you okay...?! I'll carry you to bed, you aren't sick, are you?!" I started dragging Koushi upstairs as Noya and Tanaka plunged on Kiyoko shouting about how they missed her.

When we arrived, I placed Koushi on his futon and went to wash my towel. Is this sensible? Well, it's not like I need to care. I only have a little bit of time left. I don't know what Oikawa's plan is but...

I placed the cold towel on his forehead and slumped on the wall and sighed.

Time passed and the sun was dropping into the sea. I looked at my phone and stood up to see Koushi waking up.

"(F/N), you know I'm okay, right?" Koushi said turning

I sat down next to him and blushed.

"O-Of course I know...I just..." I looked away.

"Wanted to take the advantage of the situation?" Koushi smirked.

"You caught me..." I said smiling while taking the small towel off his face. "But why did you play along?"

"Because." He said signaling me to come. "I want to take every chance I can take." He said laying me on top of him.

I blushed and looked away again.

"Come, I'm sure Kiyoko already prepared dinner." Koushi said, picked me up, and stood up.

I laid on his chest while he was walking down the stairs holding onto me, closing my eyes and laughed, "You won the fight but...I won't loose to the war."

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now