Chapter 7

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(Y/N)'s POV

"I'll show you around, okay?" I said gesturing Koushi to come with me. I walked to the stairway that led to B1, (the underground floor). I slid on the metal railing childishly while Koushi was walking normally.

"This is basically where my mom and dad would have parties here!" I pointed. "It's sort of like a bar...but there are games like, table football, and stuff. But behind this brick decorated wall is where I play my...Er um...instruments."

I opened the secret door and Koushi gasped in awe. Acoustic guitars, electric guitars, electric pianos, drums, a device to record your singing, and a computer is in that small room.

"'re house is...amazing..." Koushi beamed. "My house is nothing compared to this..." He said scratching his neck nervously.

"'s a bit big..." I said walking up the stairs, to the second floor. "You've seen this, right?" Koushi nodded his head, and I kept on walking up the stairs.

"The 3rd floor is the laundry room and there's a storage room there." I pointed at the camouflaged door.

The whole time, Koushi was in awe and followed me. I held onto Koushi's arm and ran up the stairs.

"Matte! (Wait) You don't have to go this quick!" Koushi said between breaths laughing angelically.

"This is the 5th floor. It's half outdoors. There's a sauna and a spa there." I pointed. "And it's basically a big balcony there!" I opened the glass door that led to a balcony.

"(F/N)!!! Dad's home!" I heard mom shout beneath the staircases. dad is going to mistake Koushi as my boyfriend...this is bad...

"(F/N)! I'm home! Mom said you brought a friend over." My dad hollered beneath the staircases. Koushi looked at me with concerned eyes and I held his hand.

"My dad can be overprotective sometimes...He doesn't support young relationships..." I said walking down the stairs. "H-He might mistake us a-as a couple..."

"Don't worry, I'll be beside you." Koushi squeezed my hand reassuringly.

We arrived at the first floor and I hesitated to look my dad in the eyes.

"Friend, you say? My dad raised his eyebrows.

"Hai, I'm Sugawara Koushi, (F/N)'s friend. I'm on the volleyball club." Koushi said bowing.

Somehow, my dad doesn't look mad. He looks...amused...


"Setter, sir."

Dad laughed a bit and said, "I used to be one too. And please, drop the sir. You don't seem like the type to get (F/N) in trouble. But don't even think about making moves on her."

"I'll try to keep her out of trouble..." Koushi beamed at my dad, making him more eagered to talk to Koushi.

"(F/N), please set up the table." My mom said, placing the food on the long table.

I was setting up the table and my dad motioned Koushi to go to his meeting room, meaning he has business with him.

"Listen, Sugawara, I'm sure (F/N) had told you about her love life." Dad said sitting down.

"Yes, she had mentioned that you don't approve her being in a relationship at a young age."

"That's right. I have a small favor to ask you..."


"Protect her..." Dad said sadly. "She have experienced a lot, gained a lot, and lost...a lot when we were in Osaka that time."

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now