Chapter 10

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"G-GOMEN! I wasn't paying attention..." Koushi stuttered. Should I play around? It's fun to acting childish once in a while.

"Ehhh..? It was you?" I said looking up glaring playfully while smiling. Apparently Koushi thought I was serious and a shiver went up his spine.

I stood up and faced him. He backed away slowly and scratched his neck.

"AND SO YOU THINK YOU'RE GETTING AWAY WITH THIS? COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME." I chased after Koushi as he started running off.

"Pfft...AHAHAHA..." Daichi laughed. Tsukishima snickered.

"Sugawara- Is he going to be okay?" Takeda-sensei watched in shock.

"I'm sure they are both going to be okay, since (F/N) is just playing around." Kiyoko laughed.

"Kuso...that just makes her even cuter..." Tanaka said crying. Nishinoya just nodded and cried alongside Tanaka.

"Urusai, you two." Kiyoko said while slapping their heads.

"K-Kiyoko-San....had hit us..." The both of them said in unison. Kiyoko just shook her head and smiled.
"I wonder what's happening with them..."

"Ah-" I mumbled as I tripped over the tatami.

"(F/N)!" Koushi said as I fall on top of him.

Koushi's back fell on the tatami facing up, and my body is about is, with arms supporting my body, facing down. I was so close to his face.

I was suddenly reminded with the kiss last night. The kiss last night just felt like he was comforting me. But friends don't kiss...But, the heat between our faces made my stomach jump. Why...

My face lit up like a campfire. I can tell that Koushi's is too. I tried to break the silence but my mouth won't open.

"How did we end up like this..." Koushi sighed, laughing.

I just remained silent feeling bad.

"Wait a moment..." Koushi wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down on his chest. "Isn't this much more comfortable?" Koushi smiled.

I felt his heartbeat beating against mine. My heartbeat was accelerating every second. K-Kuso...why this position...

My hands automatically moved itself to Koushi's shoulder. WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!

Koushi looked at me with 'the face' and blushed even more, while his hormones are suffers.

"Should we go down now?" I asked. "Sorry I had to break the atmosphere...but, should we get going...?" I asked sitting up.

"Y-Yea, we should probably go down." Koushi said, sitting up as well.

(Time skip)

"(F/N), are you sure that you can stay with these boys?" Kiyoko asked in concern.

"Don't worry, won't it bother you if I stayed at your house? And besides, I brought all of my stuff" I said chuckling.

"How will you shower though?" Kiyoko gave me concerned eyes.

I haven't thought of that.

"I'll just go first or last...on my own...heh.." I muttered.

"Then please, hurry up." Tsukishima pushed me out of the door.


I sighed smiling and walked back in and grabbed my stuff.

"Why are you here again?" Tsukishima asked annoyingly.

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now