Chapter 17

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Sorry...I lost motivation for this fanfic, and I'll end it soon. Tysm for the support 🥺💗


(Y/N)'s POV

"Aria-Senpai, thanks for the advice..."

I shuffled my feet in the silent volleyball gym.

"You should be."

I laughed and sighed, "And so I thought you've lost your self confidence...Turns out it's still in you..."

"Just be grateful! Anyways, about that boy, have he confessed yet?"

I sighed with a sad smile.

"Not yet...maybe he just loves me as a brother..."

"Even after you declared that you're sure that he loves you?"


She laughed and tried to find words to end the call.

"Anyways, have fun! I'm sure your slowpoke boyfriend ought to confess to you soon..."

I hung up. I felt my hands sweat as I tightened my fist. Don't get me wrong, I had a great day and all since we won and every but...WHY ON EARTH AM I FEELING WEIRD RIGHT NOW?!

I went over to the basket of balls and started serving and spiking. I got so carried away I started serving with all my might uncontrollably. Balls were flying everywhere, it was a nightmare.


Balls were hitting everything, and knocking them over, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough to make me calm. After my arms were dead, I started kicking the volleyballs.

What am I even doing-

"Woah, what's a beautiful lady doing here alone?" A guy spoke up opening the door and stepping in the gym.

I picked up a ball and jerked my head backwards. This guy has piercings and bleached hair...not my type...

"I'm...practicing...! And, who are you?!"

"I'm Nanashima but call me babe. I'm from Aoba Johsai."

"Why are you on the Karasuno school grounds then-" He interrupted me by pinning me to the wall.

"Babe, the details don't matter." He said stroking my lips.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled, punching him on the nose. Blood poured out and stained my shirt.

"You're a feisty one, what's your name?"

I hesitated and spoke up.


"That's a beautiful name but, I don't want to wait anymore." He closes the gap until I felt his breath tickling my face.

"S-Stop!" I yelped for help. He leaning even further and kissed me as I struggle pushing him back. Both my hands were pushing his chest and my head was dodging his.

"Shh, people will hear..."He said, about to kiss me again.

"Stop. It's clear that she doesn't like it."


Koushi kicked the guy and embraced me.

"I was worried...I went to your house but your mom said you were practicing volleyball, so I know something was up."

"Who are you?! Stealing my dinner."

"I'm her boyfriend, so leave." Koushi picked me up.

Nanashima left and Koushi put me down.

"We should get going, shouldn't we...?" Koushi asked and I nodded, linking his arms with mine, intertwining my fingers through his.

We walked in silence, but there was so many questions I want to ask.

"(F/N)... I know that I've been dragging our relationship on for a long time you be my girlfriend?"

I lowered my head and smiled. Finally.

"Of course. You had me waiting, you know?" I laughed it off.

"'s my first time confessing..."

I stopped in my tracks and slithered my body up close to his. His heartbeat instantly increased and his hand trembled.

"I can tell." I whispered and smirked. Immediately, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and placed my lips on his. But Koushi won't allow me to do him all night.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing back.

I let go of him, and broke the kiss for air.

"I-I...erm..." Koushi stuttered, trying to speak.

"I love you too."

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