Chapter 14

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"Hai, moshi moshi, what is it?" I replied bluntly in the phone outside the gym after the match.

"It's me, (F/N)." Mom replied through the phone.

"What happened?"

"Well, I just want to tell you that, don't keep him waiting for you. He have been very patient-"

There was some noises of my dad and my mom arguing.

And she hung up.

Keep Koushi waiting...?

I walked back in the gym to see another match have started.

"Hinata won't calm down!" Kiyoko giggled.

I laughed and spotted Nekoma. It seems as though Yamamoto have spotted me because he started waving frantically at me.

I waved back slightly as the guy started shaking Kuroo. I snickered softly and sat down in the bench.

(Time skip)

What should I do...I'm well aware that I'm keeping him waiting with my selfishness...this is so unfair...

I looked at Koushi sleeping soundly on my shoulder. I frowned and stroked his hair gently.

How's he sleeping so soundly..? How can he handle this without getting at least a bit emotional?!

I angrily gritted my teeth, and felt my phone vibrate.


(F/N), come home asap.


And bring Sugawara with you.

Read 5:58

I stood up and went off the bus gritting my teeth with anger. How could he be so manipulative?!

"Koushi, dad has business with you." I said frowning. He froze and nodded.

"Gomen, we aren't going to clean up with you guys today. We have stuff to do." Koushi said to everyone.

"Why? Because you two are going to have a private session?" Noya asked.

"Ooooooohhh." Tanaka smirked childishly.

Koushi just yanked my arm the other direction and we both thought, I wish it was that easy.

"I'm sorry..." I looked at my hand which is intertwined with Koushi. "You should have ran away from me. I shouldn't have fell for you..."

He looked at me with a hurt expression and smiled a little.

"Even if I ran away from you, I would turn my hand and walk the other way to find you." Koushi laughed.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said softly but he heard it.

"Don't worry, maybe this is just the beginning. Maybe I'll wait even more, but it's alright."


"I'll wait for you. Until you're ready. Until your dad finally understands. Until one will walk on the altar wearing white." Koushi beamed.

"Stop being so optimistic!" I shoved him laughing.

"What else could I do?!" Koushi argued back in a joking manner.

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now