Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV

Was last night a dream...? I know very well that I like him I love him...? Was it fate? Why does his hazel eyes have to be so perfect...Stop dreaming (F/N), love stories like that doesn't exist.

I stood up and headed for the shower. Well it looks like I'm early today. I slid off my hoodie and went in., Suga-San....I wonder if...he even sees me as a be honest, I don't know if I love him, or do I just like him a bit more than friends...Snap out of it, (F/N), pay attention of what y-

And...I slipped. In the shower. "Kuso, kuso, kuso..." I mumbled and stood up. My knee was red. Both of them. Dammit. I went out of the shower and did my business until I was wearing about to wear socks.

"Normally I wear stockings's so red it will be seen through... and besides, I'm sure in no time it will become purple and blue so-" I said as I decided to were socks that reach my knees instead. I feel so insecure...THESE SOCKS ONLY COVER HALF OF THE BRUISES...


"Oh yea, apparently mom didn't feed you this morning." I dumped the cat food on my cat then into her bowl. "Oops"

I ran downstairs and and stuffed my (f/c) bento box in my backpack and stuffed some rice from yesterday in my mouth. Mom must left for work early today. I grabbed everything and rode the elevator to the lobby and ran to the school while holding my skirt down. I- I look like an idiot-

Not to mention, today was windy. I walked into the gym and there was Hinata and Kageyama spiking balls. A ball flew on my face. And I ended up with a nosebleed.

"(L/N)-SENPAI?!" Hinata broke out running to me, Kageyama following him. "Haha...haha...I'm okay..." I laughed stupidly. I stuffed a tissue up my nose and saw Tanaka walking in the door alongside Noya.

"(L/N)-SAN?!" Nishinoya yelled as he ran up it me.

"H-Hunh? N-No-"


Soon after that, Suga-San, and Daichi-San came in and saw two second years freaking out.

"Shut up, you two. Quit making a fuss." Daichi yelled. "N-Noya-San s-said...(L/N)-Senpai got in a fight..." Hinata blurted.

"A fight?!" Suga-San ran over to me and saw a bloody nose and a bruise. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Suga-San yelled and gave me a new tissue.

"Ah, Hinata gave her that nosebleed. YOU DUMBASS" Kageyama informed.

"HINATA?!" Nishinoya yelled. "But where did the bruise come from?" Daichi asked.

"Haha, I slipped in the shower..." I mumbled in embarrassment.

"I can imagine (L/N)-Senpai slipping in the shower" Hinata concluded.
"THAT'S HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE HINATA." Suga-San while blushing madly yelled.

"HINATA YOU'RE A GENIUS" Nishinoya jumped. "I can imagine her body- OW DAICHI WHAT WAS THAT FOR-" Nishinoya rubbed the place Daichi had punched him.

I sat on the bench and saw Shimizu-San walk in beautiful as always.

"KIYOKO-SANNNN!!!!" Tanaka and Nishinoya yelled and jumped towards her.

"Ara, (L/N)-San?!" Shimizu-San raced over to me and quickly changed my bloody tissue. This is so embarrassing...

"Thank you...Shimizu-San..." I sniffed. "You can call me Kiyoko 😊." Kiyoko-San finished.

"A-Ah, hai! Then call me (F/N)...!" I said, throwing away my bloody tissue. "Er um...I guess I'll be going. See you!"

Sugawara's POV

"A-Ah, wait (F/N)-San...!" I said catching up with her.

"A-Ah, hey, Suga-S-San...I'm guessing your first period is math too...?"

"Actually, my first period is science but...see you soon...!" I scratched the back of my neck. As I turned away, my face was a blushing mess and Daichi saw it.

"It's not usual to see you flustered and blushing like this" Daichi smirked and walked away. Maybe I do like her...It really did hurt me when she was about to cry yesterday night...

(Time skip)

I think this is the laser period before lunch right? I mean, I'm finally in the same class as (F/N)...

"Class is dismissed." The teacher said. Everyone went to find their friends, Asahi was about to call me, but Daichi pulled him back, smirking at me. Hunh? But then I saw her. She's shyly motioning me to sit next to her. Cute.

I walked towards her and pulled a chair over next to her desk. She looked down blushing while smiling and asked, "N-Now that I've opened up to everyone in the volleyball team..." She looked up. "C-Can assistant manager....?" She mumbled really quietly.

"It would be great if you become one...! But we need to ask Shimizu and the others first."


She opened up her bento and scooped a bit of rice in her mouth and smile at me. OH GOD, HOW THE HECK IS SHE SO CUTE- But the tiny sausages do look good. I continued to stare at her food.

"Suga-San...?" She asked me, tapping my shoulder.

"H-Hunh?! I- Wha-" I stuttered. She caught me. But why does it look like she understood what I'm looking at...?

She smirked slightly then replaced it with a smile and used her chopsticks to get a sausage.

"K-Koushi...say, ahhh...!" She held it near my mouth.
Is she teasing me...?

"Ahh..." I said opening my mouth. I felt the sausage on my tongue, then followed by her chopsticks. I playfully chomped on her sausage and close my eyes.

"Daichi-San, Suga-San, w-" Tanaka stopped when his eyes landed on (F/N) and I. I quickly opened my eyes and chewed the sausage. (F/N) looked a bit embarrassed, but she was blushing while giggling. This girl is killing me.

"Ahem, sorry to disturb your session" Nishinoya stated and dragged Tanaka away.

(Y/N)'s POV

I looked around the classroom and saw people whispering smugly or just starting rumors.

"Sorry Suga-San....." I looked at him with sad puppy eyes. Suddenly, he used his hands to hold onto my cheeks blushing.

"Why are you always cute..." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I felt my cheeks burning hotter than it already was.


Sorry for the short chapters >~<

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