Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

"I'll...see you tomorrow Koushi..! I have something to do so...I'll be fine walking home myself afterwards." I smiled and waved. When I turned around, I was nearly in tears. I ran down the dark alley didn't know where I was going. I stopped in a dark alley and dropped my things. All I wanted was to calm down. I felt my breath uneven, and I kneeled on the cement floor.

"I-I'm Sorry...Oi-Oikawa...I-I...broke the...promise...I'M SORRY! BUT WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?! WHAT...should I do..." I screamed tears streaming down my warm face. The clouds started to get together again, and it started to rain hard, but I just kneeled there...hopelessly.

I felt the rain splash harder by the second. I heard thunder. This place was isolated and dangerous. But, I didn't care. I let Iwaizumi down. I let Oikawa down. And how should I explain this to Koushi?


"(F/N)! Where are you going?!"

" know..."

"NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO OSAKA! WHAT IF GUYS TAKE YOU AWAY?" Tooru screamed on the volleyball court.



I stood there in silence, tears brimming one the corner of my eyes.

"You...haven't told them about me...?" Tooru asked in disbelief. "We've been friends since preschool, dating since elementary..." 12 year old Tooru tried to blink back his tears.

"My dad said don't support young relationships...this isn't an excuse...I love you very much's my parents' choice..."

"If you really do...I'll just have to wait...until you're old will come back to Miyagi, will you?" Tooru asked hopelessly.

I stood there fidgeting angrily. Tears rolled down my face and splattered onto the floor.

"Toss to me one more time, Tooru." I said trying to smile. Tooru grabbed a ball and regained his calmness.

He tossed the the balm in the air and you jumped. A cut spiked the ball on the ground and grinned at Tooru bitterly.

"It's a pity that you're not on a team." Tooru said sadly.

"(L/N), your parents are at the gate. Good luck in Osaka!" Mrs. Sakata said.

"Hai, Sakata-Sensei. Bye...Tooru..." I ran towards him and attacked him with a hug.

"I'll see you later, (F/N)..." Tooru said, hugging back.

End of Flashback

I looked at my pale arms and legs, and stopped crying. I rubbed my puffy, red, eyes and felt the rain stop all of the sudden. I looked up and saw Koushi with concerned eyes, holding an umbrella.

"I thought you'd be crying I went to find you." Koushi said smiling sadly.

"Sorry that you had to go through so much trouble..." I muffled looking down on the cement floor."Please, let me treat you a dinner at my house..."

"Sure! If that's what makes you feel better, let's go." Koushi said lending me a hand.

(Time skip)

"You live here, (F/N)?" Koushi said amazed by the grand piano sitting on the white, wooden floor. Alone.

"Well, my parents are more used to living in higher places, so they bought 5 whole floors." I said scratching my neck. "It was cheap anyways, since many people don't live here."

I took off my shoes and saw my (f/c) standing there curiously. She nuzzled my leg and left.

"Woah, you have a cat?" Koushi took off his shoes into my "modern" and "western" house. I mean, that's what most people say.

"My house is more of a...heh...western styled house..." I said with a slight smile. "And sort of...Chinese styled too...?"

"Chinese?" Koushi asked astounded.

"Yea, my mom is half Chinese half japenese, so she made me learn Chinese, since she said education is important." I said as I placed my stuff on the couch.

I headed towards the stairs, then turned to Koushi.

"I'm going to go change my clothes really quick, and please, make yourself at home!" I said rushing upstairs.

Sugawara's POV

I placed myself on the couch not knowing what to do, but suddenly, her cat jumped on the couch with me. Her soft fur brushed a against my leg. Is (F/N) okay....? She taking a long time.

And so I decided to walk up the stairs. I feel guilty about this...

Should I go and check? What if she's still changing...? Never mind, I'll go check anyways.

I walked to the hollow glass stairs and went up. Wow, she sure isn't poor...I mean, not everyone could afford so much ancient pottery, and fine dining tools...and not to mention, her house is really big. And also, her really big.

I arrived at the second floor and saw 4 rooms, and a library. It was really...really...big. The library is clean and and books flooded in the white bookshelves. There was also a rocking chair for (F/N), I suppose. I soon reached a pathway where there are pictures on (F/N) hung on the white, elegant walls. I reached a white door that was engraved at the very top, (F/N). I knocked the door and there was no reply, so I decided to open the door. How stupid can I be. (F/N) was changing.

"GOMENASAI! I DIDN'T THINK THAT YOU WOULD STILL BE CHANGING.." I blurted out and saw a flustered (F/N).

I shut the door immediately and i heard the door creek open again.



"Ie, ie, (no, no) it fault...I left the door unlocked..." (F/N) said as she scratched the back of her neck. "Ill get to cooking right now, I'm sorry for the wait...!

"No, no, it's fine! Really!" I said trying to catch up with the girl sprinting down the stairs.

"Mom?!"  I heard (F/N) said. I rushed downstairs and saw a beautiful woman with long black hair. She looked almost nothing like (F/N).

(F/N)'s POV

"Who's this young man?" Mom asked walking towards the stairs.

"He's just a friend mom..."

"Friend? He's quite pretty..."

"No, no..!"

Mom turned her attention towards Koushi again and said, "(F/N), why don't you go show him around the house? I'll make dinner. And, what's you're name, if I can ask...?"

"Sugawara Koushi." Koushi said smiling, walking towards my mom.

My mom smiled softly but gave me a stern look. I get the message, Young relationships + dad doesn't end well.


Sorry for not always updating and making obvious grammar mistakes 😖

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