Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

"No...way..." Kageyama said in shock. "There is no way that you were a setter...that's..."

"That was a really...really...good cut shot..." Sugawara finished. "And that cut shot...wasn't just any cut shot..."

"It looked exactly like (L/N)'s cut know the professional athlete...Now come to think of it, you two have the same last name.." Nishinoya said and looked at me with suspicion. Oh boy...I mean...won't they exclude me from things...?

Suddenly, Takeda sensei came bursting in the door. "W-We are having...a-a practice match with Nekoma!" He exclaimed making the topic change. Everyone was really happy exclaiming that they will win again.

"Again?" I questioned to myself while placing myself back in the bench.

"Oh, well as you can see, they have won a practice match against Sejoh lately." Shimizu explained.

"Ahh, I get it."

"Eh? Are you perhaps new?" Questioned Takeda sensei.

"Y-Yea...sensei..." I stuttered.

"And she also happens to have the same last name as (L/N)!" Hinata bursted out.

"No way...don't tell me you're his daughter?!" Takeda-Sensei asked.

Then, realization hit everyone hard. I was the daughter of a famous athlete. But little did they know, so is my mom.

"(L/N)-Senpai, would you mind explaining who you are exactly?" Kageyama asked sternly. Do I have a choice? The whole team is now looking at me with curious yet serious eyes. Even Shimizu was.

"I-It's alright if it's uncom-"

"It's alright Kageyama. And if I have work with you all, it's best that you know. A-Apparently, my dad is
(L/N), and he was a p-professional volleyball player. I don't think y-you know this but, my mom...was a professional soccer player..." I tried my best not to stutter. The room was dead silent.

"Since both my parents' life are surrounded by sports, they figured it's best for me to play sports since I was young. I played soccer, volleyball, tennis, golf, and ping pong." I said while fidgeting.

The room was dead silent. Most people were surprised. Some pitied me. And one of them just raised an eyebrow uninterested.

"S-So um, pack's getting late..." Takeda-Sensei concluded.

"Hai!" Everyone said while standing up. I picked up some balls as Kageyama tapped my shoulder,

"Sorry...I shouldn't have asked..." He apologized, making people gather around us.

"Haha, it's okay...! D-Don't be so concerned...! I mean, it's kind of funny isn't it, hiding something that's not even worth hiding." I said making the tension decrease. This uncomfortable...

"Since (L/N)-San joined how about I treat you meat buns?" Daichi smiled.

Things wrapped up pretty quickly as we headed to the store. Shimizu-San wasn't available so it's just me and the team. I have a bad feeling about this... I just want to go home right now...

"Come one (L/N)-San!" Sugawara tugged the hem of my shirt.

"(F/N)" You said with a giggle.


"Call me by my first name. And drop the 'san' okay?" I winked. He looked red...He's blushing...isn't he...? He suddenly held my hand and we started walking. I felt like. I'm suffering from euphoria.

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now