Chapter 2

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Hi! This fanfic is extremely crappy, sorry about that 😅 I know this fanfic has some errors and awkward moments so, please spare me a life-


(Y/N)'s POV

(Time Skip, Lunch)

Oh shoot... Classes are over... Don't get the wrong idea, I don't enjoy classes. I'm just hoping that everything goes well...

"(L/N)-San! I know we just met but um..." The silver headed boy scratched the back of his neck. "Would you like to come see us practice? And if you're willing to...c-could you help us out...? Like manager stuff..."

Oh no... Calm down, he's only asking if I want to watch their practice...Chill...

"I-I don't mind! In fact I played on a girls team when I was in Junior high...!"  I managed to blurt out. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHY DID I DO THAT?!

"That's great! Come, we're going to be late." He laughed while grabbing my wrist and leading me to the gym. As we got closer, I heard people screaming and the sound of shoes squeaking. I missed that sound...but can't play volleyball anymore... no... But for a second... I had an urge to step back on that court and touch the ball...Spike the ball on the ground...Set the ball in the ace's hands...

"Anddd...we're here!" Sugawara-San declared and gently leaded me inside the gym . A stray ball flew towards me and due to my goalie instincts, I caught it, making me end up on the ground. Everyone was silent in the gym, even Sugawara-San was dumbfounded. The silence lasted until a guys with orange hair exclaimed, "THAT WAS AMAZING!"

Sugawara-San lended me a hand, and I gladly took it and stood up, bowed, and was about to walk away until two guys shouted, "Wait! DON'T GO YET!"

"How can we let such a beautiful..." Started the short guy. "And talented kouhai escape?!" Finished the guy with shaved hair. Am I that short? Well...I guess I have a baby face...Well, at least that's what my dad always tells me...

"'m your s-senpai..." I mumbled. Both of them over exaggerated and apologized over and over. After they stopped apologizing the two introduced their selves, making everyone on the team to introduce themselves too.

"Oh yea! I remember you from some of my classes!" A guy that looks like a leader, which was Daichi said. I nodded and hid behind Sugawara-San blushing with embarrassment. At first he seemed a little surprised but he started stroking my hair, understanding the situation. I blushed even more, and sat on the bench next to a familiar girl I've seen before in one of my classes. She seemed to recognize me as well and beamed to me.

"Woah, Suga. You're dating the new girl already?!" Daichi said with amusement. "Ah, n-no, no." Sugawara said while shaking his head.

"Ano, Shimizu-San, do they have a coach?" I asked quietly.

"No, sadly..." Shimizu replied with a slightly louder voice. "Do you play?"

"W-Well...I used junior high...but I quit due to family reasons..." I replied scratching the back of my head. I think I can trust her...

"My parents athletes..." I mumbled.

"Oh? That's cool-"

"NANI?! THATS SO COOL!!! TEACH ME!!! WHAT POSITION DO YOU PLAY?!" Interrupted Hinata, as Kageyama starts to fight with him.

"U-Um... I'm actually a s-setter...but I can play other...positions...I guess...."

"Would you mind spiking a ball for us?" Daichi asked politely.

"Leave the setting to me!" Sugawara chuckles and gets a ball. "Whenever you're ready." I nodded and looked at him.

The ball flew from his hands and...I jumped...things happened in slow motion but I can see it. I can see the ball flying as I'm slowly escalating through the air. I whacked the ball as I did everyday in junior high and the ball landed on the floor with a loud sound. It wasn't graceful or powerful was where I wanted it to go...

Sugawara looked at me in shock, and so did everyone else except for Shimizu-San. It feels...great...

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