Chapter 12

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Sugawara's POV

"Where is she...?" I said running out of the door.

"SUGAWARA, WAIT-" Daichi tried to keep me in control.

I dialed her number but she didn't answer. A drop of sweat rolled down my cheek as I ran near a field with lilies with were splattered in the ground.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up at the sound of grass rustling and sat up.

"(F/N)!" I heard Koushi scream as I laid back down.

"Kou...shi..." I muttered. I watched him fly over me in slow motion. He fell on top of me as the freshly cut lilies escalate. He then used his arms to wrap around my neck.

"You made nervous..." Koushi mumbled.

"Even dad...?"

Koushi froze and said, "You know...?!"

"I did...and I felt like I had to run away with my problems so I came here, but...I don't know how to right now..." The both of us sat up, as I felt the warmth from his arms disappear.

"But running away from this problem is no good isn't it...I'm sure you know that I want to be with you. I want to hug you. I want to love you...and marry you one day. So when I heard what you and my dad were talking about the other day, I was, really happy..."

Koushi blushed at my comment and smiled, "I'm happy I made you feel that way."

I smiled gently and nodded. What should!

Koushi looked at me sadly and stood up.

"We should go now..." I said holding onto his hand and looked away blushing. This is it, this will be the last time I will touch him-

"Don't act like it's already over." Tooru appeared in front of us.

"Oikawa?!" I shrieked.

"Matte, I'm not here to hurt you." He said in a calm voice. BUT A FEW HOURS AGO-

"Why are you here?" Koushi asked.

"You received the message didn't you?" Tooru took out his phone.

Koushi looked uncomfortable and nodded.

"I don't have any-" Tooru started.

"YO! YOU TWO! COME HERE? DID YOU FET LOST?!" Tanaka yelled from behind.

"See you." Oikawa said emotionlessly. Weird.

I looked at Koushi and looked at the ground. Why does my teenage years have to end like this? Why can't I have freedom from my dad...? And...did he really break off my connection because of one stupid kiss?! He's unbelievable...

(Y/N)'s Dad's POV

"Hun, go fetch me a cup of Malt Whiskey." I reprimanded.

Ana went in the kitchen and did her thing. If it wasn't for you giving birth to an idiot, I wouldn't been better now.

Ana walked in and place my cup on the table.

"Haru, don't you think this is a bit...over...? I also want our daughter to go on the right path but that doesn't mean that you have to choose her cuter for her...I can tell that the boy is willing to wait for her..even if she haven't gotten over Tooru." Ana concluded. "Our daughter is doing a good job resisting her love for him." She said giggling.

"NONSENSE." I stood up. Ana got surprised but continued smiling.

"I will not allow Sugawara to be her husband. He goes too quickly. They're about even dating an-"

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now