Chapter 8

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Sugawara's POV

"(F/N)..." I said breaking the kiss for air still hugging tight onto her small yet warm body.

Her (e/c) colored eyes looked like there is a galaxy inside, suffocating me slowly.

"What will happen...if...we have to go separate ways in college?" I asked eyes full of concern. I know very well that things are going to end soon...but...I don't want it to end...

A felt a pair of eyes trail from my face to road below the balcony, and a pair of hands let go of me.

"Who knows...? Maybe...we will go to the same college...and be together until then..."

My eyes looked down and focused on a a couple walking on the street under the city lights happily.

"(F/N) you consider this" I asked looking back up at the blurry stars and the no longer existing rain.

" say...what exactly is love?" She said furrowing her eyebrows. "They say it's the feeling of happiness...having butterflies in your stomach...feeling...loved...but I believe there is something more than that..."

Her eyes show some sort of pain.

"I never really had a really good friend that I still contact after elementary. I had a group of friends but...I had to move schools. Junior High was...horrible. I get love letters. A lot. That only made other girls jealous. No one wanted to hang out with me since I'm known as the "rich girl" that plays a "boy sport". And of course...that time I was still head over heels for Oikawa, so I rejected everything."

I listened to her and felt relieved. She trusts me...

"The first year of high wasn't very different...I joined the team, of the same treatment. Boys confess, pretty girls like me because I have more money than everyone else, athletic girls think I'm a princess, it was just so I quit." She said plastering a broken smile on her face.

"Why do I feel one cares about my feelings but I care about their's..." She concludes, sighing. "Thank you for listening all of this..." She bowed and took off her shoes.

"(F/N)..." I said holding onto her shoulder. She turned around in surprise. "You can always count on me when you are feeling down." I said smiling.

She gave me a heartwarming smile despite the fact that she was just talking about her past a minute ago.

"Hai! Of course, Kou...shi...!"

(Times skip)

(Y/N)'s POV

"What time is it..." I grumbled angrily and opened my phone. 5:59? I can't believe I actually woke up early today.

I groggily rubbed my eyes on my oversized T-shirt and shorts, not knowing Koushi already woke up. I managed to get out of bed and dumb cat food into her bowl and yawned.

I dragged myself into the bathroom and saw Koushi drying his face with the towel I gave him last night.

"(F/N)! Did I wake you up?" Koushi walked over to me and brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"N-No! I-I'm mean, y-yes! N-No no no!!!" I said not functioning, remember what we did yesterday.

"Which one is it?" Koushi laughed and patted me on the head, also blushing a bit.

"N-No.." I replied, giving him a toothbrush kit. "This is a spare one, you can use this."

(Time skip)

"I was nervous that my dad would barge in and see us together brushing our teeth." I said letting out a sigh looking at the note my mom left me.

"Oh? Is her really that overprotective?" Koushi laughed. "I'm sure it's time for your dad to release you..."

That's never going to happen.

"I hope so! Now come to think of it...ever since we met, I've been spilling out my past really quickly. You don't feel that I'm annoying, right...?"

"Of course not! After all, we're friends, aren't we?" Koushi examined the kitchen.

Friends. That...sort of...hurts...

"Um, what do you want to eat...? We have toast..." I said, putting the toast in the toaster.

"Now I feel like I owe you something..." Koushi after dramatically.

"Don't be like that, you had to hear me ramble for such stupid reasons." I said frowning.

I gave the slice of toast to Koushi and adjusted my uniform. I silently watched Koushi gobble it up and decided to just eat it on the way there.

"You set?" I asked sliding my backpack on while opening the door.Koushi nodded and we left off in silence.

We were crossing the street and a crazy white car came out of nowhere almost crashing into me.

"(F/N)! WATCH OUT!" Koushi said, pulling me aside and onto the sidewalk. His arms wrapped around my waist and my head was buried in his neck. We stood there silently, as I tried to process what was happening, but I couldn't resist myself from blushing and wanting to hug back.

"Look what I got us into, sorry." Koushi said letting go of me and scratching the back of his neck, smiling.

", it's fine..."

Koushi smiled and patted my head.

"But! We must not be late for school." Koushi reminded jokingly.

"God, are you in your mom mode again?" I said laughing.

"That's mean! And besides, what even is "mom mode"?!" Koushi pouted as we started walking again.

"Are you made at me...?" I acted sadly.

"Wha-No! Of course not!" Koushi defended and walked to the classroom.

"We missed morning practice..." I murmured looking up at Koushi. "Will we get in trouble?!"

"Hahaha, relax! We won't." Koushi chuckled. I feel so embarrassed now-

(Time skip)

"Classes are finally over!" I stretched. I felt my phone vibrate and picked it up.



"(F/N), are you coming to your aunt's welcome back ceremony today?"

I froze and realized that I haven't told my dad that I'm supposed to be at the training camp.



"I actually have training c-camp..."



He hung up. Is my dad mad...?

"(F/N)!!!" I saw Koushi running to my classroom.

"What is it, you're acting like a child." I replied giggling.

"Hmph!" Koushi acted as if he was mad and turned his head away.

"You're going to the training camp...right...?"

I nodded at Koushi and hugged him, "Koushi... although I've only met you for a while, I feel like...I'm...starting to"

I'll Wait For You |⋰⋱|Sugawara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now