Chapter 1- Saved?

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•°—did i just got saved?—°•

Yuri P.O.V.

Back then, I was locked up in a very traumatic place. A place where you could meet your death or should i say, a place like hell. I was the only person that is prisoned there and they did a lot of terrible things to my body, inject me different chemicals and made me as a human tester.

I was glad that god didn't left me, i survived every test they took on my body. Surprisingly I'm still alive. Every time they gave me a time to rest, i only lay on my bed. Wishing that my suffering would end soon.

I always had this bracelet on my pocket— but because of those unexplainable things they did to my body, i forgot why i had this bracelet. I forgot few of my past memories I had, ever since they took me away.

The only thing that I could remember is unfortunately the bad memories I've had. Like how my own parents hurt and destroy my life, actually almost killed me but I'm glad I've managed to survive. Those people at my school that all they do was to bully a person like me. But despite being the unlucky person in this world, I luckily found a very good best friend that I could always count on.

Those memories wasn't clear because of the chemicals that I'm probably overdosed already. I've always wished that I only remembered the good ones so that I could have a motivation to still fight for my life but we're talking about myself here, hello?

When I was kidnapped and brought to this horrible place, I wasn't scared nor afraid. I was terrifyingly happy. Why? Because I thought I would finally get out of my hellish house but I was wrong again, it was actually a new start of a new pain and sufferings. They were just all the same.

It was only a few minutes after I rest then they were already there to get me for another test. They shot a few injections on my weak ang pale arm. Usually, I can’t feel the pain anymore but that day was different. It was very painful and hell I feel like giving up.

My lids were heavy and I could almost feel the brink of the death coming closer. My eyes were ready to close any minute that time, but a loud explosion was heard. I was froze on my spot and couldn't close my eyes. Some people in lab gowns followed where the sound came from. I was left inside with two other people.

After a few seconds of silence, thousands of loud and noisy sound of gunshots were heard. Some went through the wall and luckily didn't hit me or the other people with me. One of the man on lab gown run back inside the lab room where i was.

"The port mafia is taking us down! It was Dazai again!" He exclaimed. They panicked while me, I had no clue what they're talking about. They took off their gowns and ran away for their lives leaving me behind.

Dazai... It felt familiar to me...

But wait! They're taking this down! I can escape!

I was too weak to move, it was really painful but i tried my best to stood. I almost fall when i tried to walk but i motivated myself it was the only chance I could take and I can't let that slip away.

I walk slowly trying to stable my balance and held on the walls for support.

When i heard some footsteps, i quickly hid to a very dark corner and stayed there until I couldn't hear anything anymore. I took a peek to see who was walking and saw a guy full of bandages on his body, eyes and hair were colored hazel brown. He was walking to the lab room as if he's looking for someone or something.

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