Chapter 22:

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After my doctor visit, Dillon ordered me to go upstairs to bed. Believe me, he didn't have to tell me twice. As I fumbled to the stairs, I see my phone lying on the first stair. I remember Dillon throwing it when he carried me in.

I reach down and check it. No missed calls, or texts. I shut it off and go to my room. My room was like my safe haven. I see my balcony door open, my first clue. I set my phone on my bed to investigate. Also a tall ladder perched up on my balcony rails. My face got hot.

I stormed into my room, slamming the door. I turned off the light and went to my warm bed. I didn't plug up my phone, I didn't change. I just lay there. Tears rolled down my face, causing my sheets to get wet. I didn't care, I just cried silently.

*ring ring ring* I jump. I guess I had drifted off. I raise up and see my phone buzzing with excitement. I sigh and pick it up.
"Hello?" I say with a raspy voice. "What happened?" she asks immediately. I yawn and shake my head, "I don't know. I just wake up and I'm at Alex's." she gasps. "That's awful. Well I heard you fell at the ice skating rink, had a concussion, Alex stole you, convinced you were his, then you told off Liam." my mouth drops.

"N-no." I stutter. "But yeah, I gotta go to school, you going?" I blink and think for a second. "Yeah." I say and end it. I jump up and look through my clothes. I pick a white tank and a black and white cardigan. I get some skinny jeans and black boots.

After my makeup and hair, I rush downstairs. "No, no, no, no." Dillon tells me. I see my other brother, Brandon, cut the corner. "I'm going Dillon!" I snap and head for the door. "Just let her go." I hear Brandon say. I open the door and get to Brandon's truck.

I get in and leave for school. I was so nervous to see Liam. I pull up and I see Louis nervously fast-walk around the building. I hop out and run for the door. Several people made crowds larger and larger. I squeezed past them.

I see a glimpse of Liam standing by my locker. I hurry to him. "Liam." he sees me and turns around. He walks off. "No, Liam I'm sorry!" I say with my voice cracking.

He stops and turns to me. His brown eyes showing many emotions. "I'm sorry." I say and come very very close to him. I looked how shorter I was than him. I looked up into his watery eyes. "I can't do this without you." I say with a straight face.

Liam looks down at me. He huffs and minty breath flies around. "I can't do this without you either twinkle toes." he says with a small grin. A moment of silence came over us. I suddenly feel two hands dig into my back, pushing me into Liam. We were chest to chest, our bodies pressed together.

I look up at him and laugh a little. I don't want to move, I liked being held. I turn my head and see Niall laughing. I roll my eyes and give him a death stare. "Dang! Them eyes be dangerous." Liam laughs. I look back at him, not knowing he saw that.

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