Chapter 25:

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The day was now over. Thank God. As I walk out the door, Niall jumps in front of me. "I can't go to my second home today." I pout and poke his cute nose. "Whyyyy?" he groans and follows me into the pavilion. "Becauseee, I have cousins coming over. Tell Liam to call me though." I say and hug him bye.

I rush to my car and call my mom. "Hey hon."
"Hey mom. When are they coming?"
"Around 4:30." I look at the clock on my dash. 4:00. "Okay. Am I still taking Jenna to her class thing?"
"Yes. That's at 4:45 so hurry home." I say okay and end it.

As I drive, I think of everything that's happened to me. I just met Liam Thursday. But I felt like we had known each other forever. I think of how he felt when I told him whatever I told him at Alex's house. I think of my life as we know it, I should be rejoicing but I'm so mad at Alex that I can't concentrate.

I get home and see a silver Lexus in my driveway. That must be my aunt. I go inside and see my tall aunt Marie standing there. Holding Rosy (her youngest daughter) in her arms. "Crissy! You've grown so much!" Marie hugged me and let me hold Rosy.

"Jenna honey! Crissy is here!" Marie shouted. Jenna comes tumbling down the stairs and wraps her arms around me. "I missed you!" she exclaims. "I missed you too Jenna." I hug her back after giving Rosy back to Marie.

"Jenna you're going to be late. Go get your shoes on." Marie instructs. "Crissy I hate to ask you. But if it's not too much trouble, could Ella go with y'all?" she asks. "Of course!" I say while reaching for Ella's hand. "Thank you." Marie smiles warmly.

Marie had the complexion of my mom. Very tall and slinder. Long brown silky hair with bits of blonde. Dark brown eyes, almost black with straight teeth. Her daughters didn't look much different.

I lead Ella and Jenna to my car. Jenna was short with chestnut hair. It was currently in a long braid. Ella had this dirty blonde hair that stayed in two pigtails. Jenna looked about 6 but she was really 8. Ella was only 4.

"Okay so off to Ginger Baptist Church?" I ask while pulling out of my driveway. Jenna nods. GBC wasn't far from my house. Just about 10 minutes. I speed up a little more.

My phone rings and I jump. "Hello?"
"Hey." it was Liam. "I'm so bored wanna hang?" he huffs. "Sorry. I'm taking my cousin to a class. But if you want to join us..." I trail off and look at Jenna. She nods and smiles. "Nice. Where's it at?"
"Ginger Baptist Church." I say and park in the parking lot.

We all walk in and I see a sign saying, CHILDREN WEEKLY DEVOTION> "You know where to go?" I ask her. "Yep!" she hugs me and runs off. "Well Ella let's go in the gym." I say and hold her hand. The gym was dark and silent.

"I'll go check on Jenna. You wanna do hola hoop?" I hand her a purple hoop. She nods and I look up. There was a balcony type thing around the upstairs so you could see the gym. I run to the staircase and go up.

I see Jenna sitting and talking with another girl in a big room. I hear a door open and shut. Worriedly, I look over the railing. It was Liam. "You must be..." he trails off and bends down to her height. "Ella?" he smiles. She nods and gives him a hoop.

"You want me to hola hoop?" he asks. "Yes." she says in a cute little voice. "Well I don't know. People used to make fun of my hola hopping." he jokes. He slips over the hoop and starts shaking crazily. The hoop falls to the ground and triggers Ella's laughbox.

"Told you!" he smiles. "But I can dance." he winks and picks her up on his toes. He starts humming a tune to a waltz dance. They start waltzing across the gym floor. A smile spreads across my face. I couldn't help but hum with him.

He quickly looks up when he hears my voice. "Crissy." Ella smiles widely. "Lovely hola hooping." I joke. "See, they make fun of me." Liam whispers into Ella's ear with a smile. I hop down the stairs and join their waltz.

Jenna quickly runs to the railing calling Ella. "They have a play room for you!" Jenna shouts. Ella is intrigued and runs up the stairs. Jenna shows her a little room and then goes back to class. "May I have this dance?" Liam holds out his hand.

"You may." I smile and dance with him. This was what I needed right now. Just me and my best friend, dancing together. He spins me around and dips me. He let's me back up and I twirl off. "Bravo!" Liam claps. I laugh and we both sit on a set of bleachers.

"Liam?" I say while planting my head on his shoulder. "Yes twinkle toes?"
"Will you ever leave me?" there was a silence. "Never in a million years." he assures.

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