Chased By Love-Bella

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It flits in between trees

And whispers through the leaves,

I ignore it and manifest some fake emotions

Despite it's plea.

This only makes it more noticeable,

To ignore it makes me gullible,

Because humans are attracted

To that of which to them is invisible.

I keep on my trail,

Though it's harder to prevail,

As the thing has covered it up

With the forest's entrails.

Pretty soon the path is unnoticeable

And I find my eyes to be gullible

Because I am human, naturally attracted

To that of which is invisible.

I keep on trekking

Pausing to keep on checking

To see where the thing may be,

And it's never too far behind me.

Could I tame it and keep it in check?

Because to my goal, it is a threat.

It's steering me the wrong way,

Turning my emotions off the last path.

Too late I realize it's noticeable,

I've learned my heart is too gullible,

Because I am a human, naturally attracted

To that of which is now attainably visible. 

8th Grade Poems, To and FromWhere stories live. Discover now