Losing myself...-Bella

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Sinking and falling,

Losing my grip on my own personality.

Can't see can't think can't breath-

I wish I could get past the shell of me.

Bent to meet everyone's expectations,

I was made to not disappoint.

Somehow I'm never enough,

And why, I just can't pinpoint.

I've drowned my real self

Beneath costumes and masks,

And hid my emotions,

All bottled in flasks.

I made myself simple,

A blank empty canvas;

Few people understand

Why I change based on the artist.

I forgot how to swim

Cause I've been using a raft-

Built by other people;

Sailed by other people.

I lost my old independence,

It's buried too deep;

Every once in a while,

It awakes from it's sleep.

I lost some of my fierceness,

Because I didn't want to seem mean,

But little did I know, there's still a difference;

It adds balance to personality.

I lost my extrovertedness

Unless I'm near some close friends;

My voice that once talked to everyone

Is now gone with the wind.

I'm ashamed of myself,

If I pick my personality apart;

But in order to be me, I need multiple traits,

Just like there's four chambers in a beating heart.

And I can't bend and bow

Myself to fit everyone's ideals;

I'm much to complicated

To be everyone's perfect appeal.

But how do I go back,

Receive the me from the past?

Or has too much happened

For me to simply go back?

Can I open up my shell

And retrieve all of me,

Or did I make the mistake

Of hiding myself buried too deep?

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