Message from the Authors

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The brains behind these poems: Bella and Hadley, 8th (soon to be 9th!) graders

Hadley: It's been great to be able to write these poems with such an amazing friend! I hope that you enjoyed reading them, because I really loved writing them!

The second half of these poems were written during quarantine, and I think that writing is a truly great tool to get your feelings out and communicate your thoughts to other people. While I love math (since I'm the "pi" of 314Wolf), letters do something numbers can't. I hope you as the reader are able to discover a part of yourself in our words and that they speak meaning into your life! 

Finally, I want to do a quick note about our official name, "Kindred Spirits". Through these poems, I think Bella and I have been able to connect in unimaginable ways, and we've learned so much about each other! We see now more than ever that being kindred spirits isn't just about the similarities, but also the differences and the way we complete each other. My biggest hope for all readers is that they find someone who gives them this feeling of completeness, because you matter, and it's an incredible gift to have someone to be there and tell you that every day. 

Bella: If you didn't guess or already know, I am the "Wolf" in our combined username! Wolves have been my favorite animal since... third or fourth grade, I think. 

 A little bit more about how we're kindred spirits: Hadley's Patronus is the wolf (my favorite animal) and my Patronus is a cat (which is one of her favorite animals)! And we thought that the characteristics of both put together suited us, so through a similar interest (Harry Potter), we found out we really do complete each other! On a more serious note though, we were able to open up a lot more, albeit online. I'm just so happy we learned what we did about each other, and I think our poems gave us the courage to confide in one another in ways we hadn't before. 

 Hopefully, these poems inspired you in some way or showed you that you're not alone. Even though Hadley and I have gone through many different experiences, we've also encountered similar ones. Through our poetry, we've been able to connect on a much deeper level than before. Surprisingly, during quarantine, we're learning a lot more about ourselves and each other than ever before! So, these poems go through our journey this year, and maybe someway you'll be able to connect too.  :)

 All together, we managed to write 87 poems! Which is crazy, and is about 2 times more than last year. I decided that to save you some time, I would include a list of my favorite poems. I think we've grown so much since last year, in a lot of different ways, and I'm happy to be publishing our poems again. We didn't include everything we wrote, just for personal reasons. But I hope you enjoyed or will enjoy our poems and future ones to come! :)

Here's my top 4 favorites that Hadley wrote:

All alone and the memories breaking


Let It Grow

I wish i could change you

Here's my top 4 favorites that I wrote:

The Day He Was Every Bit Right

A Coffee Shop

Our Mind is a Garden

19 Years

8th Grade Poems, To and FromWhere stories live. Discover now