Chapter 2

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I park my Harley to the side when I reach the club and already see that it's packed both outside and in. I walk to the entrance, nod towards the bodyguard who I used to know when I was a member, and he opens the door to let me in from the side. I head towards the VIP section next to the stage and see if I can spot the girl.

The final round is starting, winner take all, fight to knock-out. I scan my eyes across the stage and I see her. Fuck, her body is glistening with sweat in her sports bra and shorts, there's some blood on her wraps already from her prior fight. She heads to the center of the stage and I am in awe. I cannot fucking believe she's the one in the final rounds. How she ended up getting kidnapped from LA is a mystery to me - this woman can take down half the men I know by the looks of it.

I watch her, she moves with precision, speed, and power. Before I know it, she gives a final blow to the woman against her and knocks her out. Fuck, I cannot believe my luck. I know she's a fighter so I have to act quickly, hoping that my surprising her will be enough of an advantage.

I rush up to the stage, grab her arm and pull her off. She's fighting me, screaming to get off, but the crowd is too geared up for the next male finale to pay too much attention to her. As I'm pulling, she looks at me with fear in her eyes that almost knocks me out seeing that I just saw her deliver a beating. She screams at me, asking who I am as I drag her and push my body against hers on the wall of the building to get her to calm down.

"You can't take me back there. Please. I'd rather die. Please" She whispers. "I'll kill myself if you do"

What the fuck? I look at her, perplexed. My mission was to bring back a girl that was kidnapped, but what she's telling me is making me question what the fuck I got involved in. As I look down towards her eyes to ask her more, I feel her body slump towards the ground while I hoist her up. She looks like she saw the devil before her eyes slowly close and she passes out in my arms.

Shit. I can't take her on my bike and realize coming in with that thing in the first place was a big mistake. I need to get her out of here fast people start asking questions. I call one of my club brothers Tommy and tell him to bring a car around so he can pick us up.

"Tommy" I hiss out. "Bring the damn car around and open up the back door." I say, as I carry the woman in my arms and set her along the back seat. I decide to stay there in case she wakes up.

"What the fuck have you gotten yourself into man?" asks Tommy

I grunt, "Some guy in LA reached out asking me that I find his kidnapped girl. She was part of this club and I went to grab her, but something's not right. She fainted in my arms"

Tommy chuckles, "You fucker. All your tats probably scared her shitless" he teases.

"Let's go Tommy. I don't have all day. Bring me back to the club house so I can figure out what is going on with her"

After we get back to the house, I pick her up in my arms and take her to my bedroom. I have no idea how long she'll be out for. I bring over some water, wet a towel, and try to press it to her forward hoping she regains consciousness.

I sit in my room, open up my laptop, and try to do some digging into the guy who called me for the job. Not much to find, wasn't given many names...which is the usual for my line of work. About an hour passes by so I toss my laptop off the bed and I see her stirring on the bed.

She slowly opens her eyes, looks at me, and jumps off the bed so fast I almost missed her. I grab her by the arms as she turns and punches me in the face. She's strong, but I'm stronger. I yank both her hands away as I crush her body towards me, feeling her warmth spread all over and her vanilla smell enveloping me as I hold her still. She isn't screaming, which I'm shocked about. I hold her for a few minutes until she finally realizes it's a lost cause and lays limp in my arms.

"Who are you? Why I am I here?" She looks furious. There's a hint of fear in her eyes that I would have missed had I blinked, before she returns to her cold stare. "Well?" she says. "If you aren't going to kill me then what do you want?"

I keep one of my arms around her waist on me, while my other hand grabs her chin and forces her to face me.

"I was hired to bring you back to LA. I was told you were kidnapped, but by the punches I saw you throw at the fight club, I highly doubt someone was strong enough to grab you and bring you all the way over to New York City. So what's the story? I don't like getting my time wasted so you better talk quick before I toss you to the guy who paid me and be done with this shit". I try to keep calm to get the full story, but I'm also getting aggravated feeling her so close to my dick as it's getting hard from her scent.

She looks up at me, pondering if she should trust me or not. "Listen girl, you better talk quickly. I haven't given you up to the guy yet so clearly you have some time to process. I know you don't know who I am and have very little reason to trust me, but at this point, you don't have much of a choice" I say. Trying to ease her nerves by slowly loosening my hold.

Her mouth opens as she tries to speak, but then a knock on the door startles her. She tries to run again while I grab her hard with my hands and push her against a wall, using my body to barricade her in.

I grunt, "Who the fuck is it? I'm busy"

I hear Tommy respond "Dude, I figure your girl is hungry. I brought some pizza for you guys"

"Drop it outside the door, I'll be right out" I tell him. I hear him drop the box while I shift my attention back to her.

"Now, we left off with you telling me what the fuck is going on. If you hold still for 5 seconds, I can let you go to get food, but if you try to run, I swear to God I'll chain you to the bedpost and let you starve so don't fuck with me"

I look up at her, not fully trusting her as I hold her hand and go to the door, bending down to grab the pizza box and bring it in before I shut the door again. I put the pizza on the desk in my room, still not letting go of her hand, as I motion for her to grab a slice.

She looks up at me, breathes a heavy "thank you" as she grabs a slice with her other hand and starts eating.

I wait for her to get a few bites in, before I look at her and sense she's afraid. For some reason, I'm angry that she fears me. I want her to trust me.

"My name's Vick. What's yours?"


"OK to tell me what the fuck I just got myself into?"

*A/N : This book will get weekly updates at a MINIMUM, but I really like how it's playing out so I'll probably be updating it multiple times a week :) Let me know what you think ! x J.

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