Chapter 14

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I rush up to Eva and look down at a bloody Ty. I notice his pants cut up and notice his dick missing. My girl. I smile proudly. I'm happy to see she's okay and that hopefully she will now finally feel safe.

"Are you going to kill him?" I ask her. She looks at me and shrugs.

"Knowing he'll never rape anyone else again, that he will never be a man again" she says in disgust as she spits the words out at him, "I don't give a fuck about this trash anymore"

"Good." I say as I turn to Ty. "Because Ty, we saw what you have in the warehouse. And the rest of the NYC brothers aren't very pleased that you were planning an attack on our grounds. I told them they'd get a special delivery. You. As a present to them for thanking us in handling this matter.

He looks at me wide-eyed. "You can't do this to me." The first words he says inawhile.

I take Eva's face and kiss her long and hard in front of him.

"Oh but I can. And Eva is mine. Not that you could ever touch her again considering your missing appendage" I laugh at him.

One of the men from a different club walks in. I recognize him as a lender. "Vick, are you guys all set with him? My boss will have a field day with him if you let us".

"Yes. Take him. Make sure your boss takes his time". I say.

I take Eva by the hand and head over to the warehouse. We have a few wounded from our own, but by a miracle, no one died. Ty's men are all on the floor.

I head over to Danny. "Boss, what do you suggest we do with all of this?"

Danny looks up, "We split it. I'm texting the other leaders who offered up men to take a piece of the reward as a thank you. The maps here are marked with Ty's other warehouses so we will check those too and take what we can and deliver them out. One of the men will take Ty and finish him off, delivering pieces of his body to any remaining men in LA to send the message. This is our turf".

I nod in his direction. I look up at Eva, "are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah" she says as I take her to my motorcycle and head out.


I hop on the bike with Vick, pulling him tightly toward my chest as we head back to the clubhouse.

We go back upstairs while Vick leans into me, kissing me, holding me, making sure he knows that I'm alive.

"I'm so fucking happy you are ok" he says to me. "I am so sorry. I should never have brought you there"

"Vick, it's ok" I squeeze his hand. "I cannot begin to tell you how I feel knowing that the man will never be able to touch another woman again"

He slowly holds me, gently lifting up my shirt over my head and I freeze, trying to pull the shirt down.

Vick looks at me, "Eva? Is everything okay?"

"Yes I just need a quick shower that's all"

"OK" he looks at me, but decides not to press me.

I rush into the bathroom and shut the door, taking off all my clothes while I hop in the shower to wash away any last memories of Ty when I hear the door open. Fuck I forgot to lock it.

Vick comes in and looks at me, before looking at my clothes. He notices my panties and a bit of the crotch on the pants are bloody.

He looks at me, "Eva. What the fuck happened in the car?"

"I um....I.." I feel the panic. I didn't want him to know how weak I was. I didn't want him to see that Ty got to me again. I look away, "Vick, please."

Vick steps into the shower with his clothes still on, pulling me towards him. "Eva. Did that fucker touch you again?"

I look up. I don't know what to say.

He grips me tightly as I start to feel tears coming down my face. He steps out of the shower leaving me alone as he closes the door.

I'm crying. I continue washing myself off, sobbing the entire time, unable to steady my breathing.

After what feels like hours I step off and dry myself, wrapping myself in a tower and step out of the bathroom into the room. I don't see Vick anywhere. I quickly change into some clothes and go for the envelope with the rest of the money.

As I step out of the room Vick returns, eyeing the envelope.

"You're leaving?" he looks at me.

"I know you probably don't even want to look at me right now. I'm so sorry I was weak and he got to me again Vick. I tried, I really tried. I am truly so thankful for what you have given me and I understand if you can't deal with me anymore. I -"

He pulls me into a kiss, so deep, so heartfelt that I feel tears streaming down my cheek again.

"Eva, baby, you think I'm mad at you? You think I blame you for him raping you again?"

I wince at the word. It makes it so much more real.

" couldn't even look at me in the shower. You, you left. I assumed you wouldn't --"

He puts his finger on my lips to silence me.

"Baby, I left because I needed to calm down before I did something I regret. I left because I promised you that I would keep you away from him and it is because of me that he got close enough to do this again. I was afraid that you would leave me knowing I couldn't protect you" he finishes, tears flowing down his face.

"Vick, you DID save me. Had you not been there, I would have died. I knew I was not going into that warehouse. I attacked those men knowing Ty would come for me. And I knew that if he were near me and I couldn't kill him, that I would have taken the knife to my own throat to never be let in his grasp again. If it weren't for you - I wouldn't be here"

He brings me into an embrace, so tightly, that for the first time in my life, I feel truly at peace in his arms.

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