Chapter 11

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**Guys this is a brutal chapter here with sexual violence. 18+ please. If you are sensitive to sexual trauma or violence, I suggest you skip this chapter and move on to Chapter 12. You'll still get the full view of the book without it. We're almost there! Please hold on for Vick and Eva!! Will she make it out??**


As one of Ty's men take Eva away and lead her to the back, I look at the men behind me. There was nothing we could have done. Had they made a step in her direction, the guy would have killed her.

I didn't think when he paid $500,000 for her that he would take her life at the bar after going through all this trouble, but I also knew he was a sick bastard and he'd rather put a bullet in her head than think she was with someone else. I couldn't let him know I cared for her. I couldn't have my men step in and give our cover away.

He needed to think she was nothing to me. Make him think he got away so that when I come for that fucker, I'd get the chance to see his face drop as I put a bullet between his eyes.

I sit at the table waiting for them to leave, fisting my hands so tightly I almost lost feeling in them before I quickly bolt to my two men at the bar.

"Vick. I saw the car she was in. We have the license plate. I already texted Stitch and he's surveilling them now through the traffic lights. Tommy is following behind the car. We'll get her back"

The events that happened were a sidestep away from our plan. We were supposed to grab her as she left the club, but I didn't think he'd bring so many of his men from LA for her.

"Fuck!" I slam my fists on the table. "I should have known he wouldn't have just 5 people for her. I didn't think he would send his entire fucking army down here. Doesn't he have jobs to do in LA? Didn't he need some men there?"

I try to calm my breathing, reminding myself I have the advantage. I step out and meet with Danny, waiting for hammer and a few biker boys from the group over.

"OK. So we know he has her. We have the car with her tracked. We have the advantage that he thinks we aren't looking for her. But we need to hurry. He is fucked up in the head and I don't know what he plans on doing with knowing that she's escaped.

I wait for another of the bikers to come over by car as we drive towards the direction that Stitch says he can see the car park.

We drive over there, noticing the car is in a parking lot and no one is there.

"Stitch. They ditched the car. Where is she?" I yell at him. Fear and anger radiating off of my body.

There's a pause before Stitch comes back.

"Vick, Tommy's still on them. They switched cars but he's having a hard time following them. There's a lot of traffic, he has the last location and saw the car make a right on 76th street, but he can't follow them anymore. He gave me a description of the vehicle, but he couldn't catch the full license plate. We WILL get her back"

My world goes dark as I try to think of where he would take her. 76th street. I think to myself.

I know there is an abandoned warehouse on that street, but can't remember the avenue. We don't have that many men to hunt every single avenue of the street to find out where it is, but I try to call the other members and give them the little information that I know, praying that she'll be okay before I get to her.


The black car reaches a parking spot as Ty brutally takes me from this one and moves me to another car in an attempt to hide me in case I'm tracked.

It's a longer vehicle with enough room in the back for him and I to lay.

He keeps my hands and feet tied as he lays me on the back seat of the car, using a knife to cut off my clothes.

"Ty. Please. Stop"

"Oh no baby girl. You've been gone for too long from me. I can't wait until LA".

He rips my clothes, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I'm at a disadvantage. Im fully tied and he is sitting on my legs in an enclosed space. I feel wet tears coming down my cheek.

He takes two fingers and brutally inserts them into me. My body responds without me wanting to, bucking at his hands as he smiles.

"My my baby. As eager as ever" as he bends down and rips the bra, leaving me practically naked under him. He takes my hands and ties them to one of the handles at the doors and ties my legs to the other side of the door, spreading me for him as I'm fully crying.

He takes out a condom while he slips his dick out of his pants. I thrash my body to try to get him off as he takes out a knife and puts it near my throat. "If you move, I'll cut your throat right now".

He places his cock right at my entrance, forcibly holding my hips as he enters me forcibly and I cry out. I'm crying as he is rough with me. Slapping me around like he used to. I'm fully tied, I can't breathe, I don't have enough room as he continues into me until he finishes inside me. I thank God he used a condom. I don't know what I would have done if I were to get pregnant by this monster.

He pulls out and tucks his now limp dick in his pants as he looks at me naked, red from all the tears. He smiles at me, "I look forward to round 2 on the plane".

He leaves me there, naked, tied both doors of the car as I'm bleeding. He was so rough with me. I'm in so much pain. I try to close my eyes, but I can't. I feel the car stop.

He yells out for one of his men to bring me a change of clothes as he tosses them at me. He unties me as he looks at me, "I have 5 men outside of this car. Get dressed and come to the warehouse. If you so much as try to leave, their orders are to shoot on site."

I try to move, but everything seems slow. My body is in pain. I'm aching between my legs, trying to clean myself up as much as I can.

I think about Vick. I think about Tommy tracking me. I pray to God Tommy was able to see the car change. I go towards my old pair of pants to find the knife. I know it's not enough to take 5 of his men, but if I can do some damage, maybe I can escape I think to myself. But I know one thing for certain. I will slice my own throat before I go into that warehouse with Ty.

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