Chapter 7

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**Mature, sexual content in this chapter! You've been warned! 18+**


God this woman is incredible. I think to myself as I bring her head closer to my chest as we sit on the bench. I'm angry that fucker got his hands on her. Angry that she doesn't know what it's like to be loved. Angry that she's never had a chance to explore who she was.

But at the same time, I feel relieved that I'll be the one showing her another part of love. I'm no expert on romance, but for some reason, I find that being with her makes it easy for me to take care of her. It's like my body knows what to do before my brain can process.

We sit like this for the while until it gets into the late afternoon. I pull her hand, motioning for us to go back to the bike.

"Come. Let's go back to the clubhouse for the rest of the day. We have the rest of the week to plan for Ty, but in the meantime, I want you to know you're safe" I say as I brush my lips against her forehead.

We get on the back as I drive back to the clubhouse. I feel her body ease against me as we ride, feeling her warmth, and her trust in me.

We get back to the house. I take her through the home and back up the stairs to my bedroom. "Shit. I forgot to take you shopping to get clothes. Micky can take you before you start training to grab some stuff. He will protect you while Danny, Tommy, and I plan for the meeting with Ty.

She nods as she walks towards me and kisses me. I feel myself grow hard under her kiss as I grab her hips and brush her against me. I feel her arms going over my body as I hoist her up by the thighs and feel her wrap her legs around me, pressing her core into me.

I pull from the kiss slightly, "Eva...we need to stop before I can't anymore"

She pulls my face into her hands... "I don't want to stop. You know my story. You know what I can offer. It might not be what you're lookin---" I stop her sentence with a kiss as I hold her face onto mine.

"Eva. I'll take care of you if you let me. Are you sure?"

"Yes" she breathes. I lay her down on the bed as I take her in. She mentioned that Ty was her only one, and she said she left LA about 3 years ago. Fuck. I need to be gentle with her. She'll be tight and could potentially be traumatized by whatever that fucker did to her.

I slowly peel her shit off of her and go for her jeans, pulling them slowly down until she's in ber black lace bra and underwear.

"Fuck Eva. You look incredible". She blushes. Clear that it's been some time since a man as hungry as me has devoured her with his gaze. I pull my own shirt off and slip off my jeans until I'm left in my boxers.

I bend down to kiss her, slowly moving my hands behind her as I unclasp her bra and pull it off. Her breasts are perfect for my hands as I start to milk them, moving my lips to one of her buds as I slowly pull and tease. She's already wiggling under my touch.

"So sensitive baby" I whisper in her ear as I continue the slow torturous moves on her breast as my cock slowly drags to her core through her panties.

As I take my time with each breast, I let my hand travel down to her panties, touching her through the sheer material. Her panties are soaked. I smirk into her lips "Baby, you are dripping all over the bed". Her face is a pink color and I can't help, but love how shy she is to this.

My fingers slowly slip her panties to the side while I dip two fingers at once in. She is so tight. I try to spread her walls, feeling her body go against me at the new intrusion. I try to rub my fingers in her, loosen her up, wetting her to get enough lubricant so I don't hurt her. I rub in and out tortuously, bringing her to the edge, and then pull my fingers out as she whimpers.

"Shh baby. I'll go slow. I know you need time, it's okay. I bend over as I kiss her.

I grab my erection and slowly set it right at her entrance and slightly push in. I feel her body resist, tightening around me. Fuck she feels amazing and it takes all of my strength to not shove into her at once.

I move in slowly, her heat taking me in, I pause halfway to make sure she is fully adjusted. I am in pain from waiting, but I hold on until I feel her wiggle on me. I look up.

"Vick, fuck. Please." She grabs my hips and forcibly shoves my dick inside her until I'm balls deep as her own eyes go wide, a mix of pain and pleasure.

"Fuck Eva. You needed more time" I bend over to kiss her lips. Her body is so responsive, I'm drugged on it.

I start to slowly move as she looks up at me, "Vick. Faster. Please."

I start to pound into her, balls-deep, as I move my cock inside her, rotating, using my fingers on her wet clit, bending and sucking her breasts in my mouth. A total assault of her body until I feel her pussy clench around me, spasming, knowing that she's reached her climax.

Her pussy is like a vice as I cum too, buckling inside of her.

"FUCK" She screams, her hips basically fucking me as she pushes herself up. While I'm still in her, I grab her legs and put them over my shoulder, lifting her ass up while I continue to thrust into her until I feel my dick getting soft. I finger her clit, until she screams again, hit with a second orgasm. Her legs are shaking, her eyes rolling in the back of her head.

I slowly pull out of her as she winces a bit, letting her catch her breath.

"Wow. I've never felt that during sex before," she says.

I roll her on top of me and kiss her on the lips.

"Baby, that's how sex will always be like with me. I'll ride you like an animal until you drip down your legs as you walk for the next few days" I smirk as her face gets that pink hue due to my blunt words.

I take her hands slowly, bringing them down and inserting one of her own fingers along with one of mine into her as I whisper, "Everytime you touch yourself, you finger yourself, I want you to think of my cock in your pussy, balls-deep. I own this pussy now"

I say as I slowly pull both her and my fingers out of her and slap her clit playfully as she moans.

I spoon her from behind while I grab her hips and pull them right against my dick and give her a kiss.

"Now sleep baby. We have the rest of our lives for me to fuck your brains out" I say as I notice her eyes slowly droop closed.

The Dark Rider (18+) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now