Chapter 12

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We have the biggest number of NYC bikers with us, looking for Ty and his fucking cocksucking clan. I finally get a text from Tommy, "Vick, I think I know where they are held. I would go in there, but man, he has like 30 men outside. You think getting Eva was a good opportunity for him to try to take over again?"

"Yes." I barely speak. That would make sense why he brought almost all his men out here. He wasn't here just for her. He now had an excuse to try to take us out again.

I text Tommy back quickly, "Give me the address. I'll be there as soon as I can"

I take the rest of the men from the bar and about 15 others join. We're a total of about 45 going after him. A few biker groups lent their men, others wanted neutral turf and no bloodshed which I understood.

I wasn't expecting anyone to give me all their guys, but I was happy that now we had a good group. About 15 total were from ROD, while the others were from other groups, iching to get a piece of Ty and his pigs

I get another text from Tommy.

"Vick. I want you to be level-headed when you get over here."

I know something is wrong. I've known Tommy for too long to not know what he's.

"Tommy what the fuck is happening? Did they kill her? Did they touch her? Where is she?"

Tommy texts back, "She's alive brother. That's all that matters. She's alive. She WILL be alive if you focus"

I shove my phone in my pocket, heading toward the coordinates that Tommy texted me.


I change into my clothes, tucking in the knife from my old pants in one of the bands as I step out of the car. I pray at least Tommy saw enough to be able to get an idea for where I am because i know one thing's for certain. If they don't get to me in time for the attack, I know I'll die here. But I will not spend one more day with Ty after this.

I step out of the car and notice the 5 men. Ty and whoever else is still here is probably in the warehouse. I shutter thinking what else he has there. I know if I make it to those doors, he'll tie me up and I'll never see my freedom again.

I take a deep breath, remembering my training with Micky, with Vick, knowing that it's now or never.

I take my knife out and swing for the guy to my right, at his throat, slicing deep to the point of almost decapitating him. I go for the other guy to my left, stabbing him before I quickly pull the knife out and kick the other two that are approaching me in the face.

I recognize their faces from when I was with Ty. I was weak then. I was used to getting kicked around, dragged by the hair. But not today.

I can tell from the look on their faces, they weren't expecting me to fight back. They weren't expecting me to kill.

But I was hungry for blood. I remember them outside the door guarding as I would scream as Ty would rape me and hit me over and over again until I was knocked out and they did nothing. I have no mercy.

As the other two are down I feel a pair of hands around my neck form behind as I shove the knife into his stomach, pulling up to slice him open.

I want to run, but I know I am done running. I know that no matter how many men are waiting in that warehouse, they will come for me again and again.

I go to the two men and kick them in the head until they pass out.

As I stand up to make my way to the car, I hear Ty screaming at me.

"You stupid bitch. Where do you think you're going?"

He has a gun pointed at my head. I know with one wrong move, he'll shoot me. I can throw the knife at him, but his gun will be faster.

I look up at him.

"Really Ty? You're just going to fucking shoot me in the head and take the fun out of it? You spent all that time, all that money to get me back to only fucking kill me? You really are a piece of shit. A fucking pussy" I spit out, knowing I'm angering him. But I know without the gun, I can take him. I've practiced the last 3 years of my life fighting, imaging his face on the other side of my fist.

He smirks, tucking the gun in the back of his pants as he approaches. I wait until he gets closer to me before I lay the hardest punch I've ever dealt in my life right to his face, breaking his nose and knocking him down on his ass in front of me.

"I'm going to take my time torturing the fuck out of you before I give you the gift of death you disgusting piece of shit"

I take out my knife and before I bring it to his neck, I hear gunshots.

**If you've made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read. Please please please click the "heart" or "star" button (whether you're on Inkitt or Wattpad) to show your support. It's quick and means the world to me. It will only motivate me to start Book #2 as soon as I can :)

How do you feel about the characters? I don't plan on prolonging this novel too much vs my other one that I'm currently writing (The Alpha's Match, which you can find on my account), but I hope the ride was enjoyable thus far! Thanks again!! x J

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