Chapter 8

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I wake up with a tingling sensation all over, my body humming as I remember what happened last night. I move my body a bit to take a shower, but already feel an ache between my legs.

As I shift, I notice Vick is now awake as he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Morning sleepyhead" I say, looking into his eyes. He sees me get off the bed before calling out, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to take a shower. Care to join?"

He jumps so fast out of the bed I barely hold in a little giggle like a schoolgirl before we head to the shower and step in.

He is so gentle with me I almost break. "Vick, thank you for last night. Thank you for taking care of me" I say.

He grabs me by the chin, looking down at me, "You're welcome baby" as he places a light peck on my lips.

We rush through the rest of the shower and get changed. Before going downstairs to meet with the rest of the group, Vick pulls my hand to fall back on the bed before saying, "I have something for you"

I look up at him and he hands me a large manilla envelope. I open it up and see a shit ton of cash. More than I'd ever had in my own life. I had managed to have quite a bit of savings during my MMA fighting days at the club considering I'd won every single one of them. But this so much more.

"What is this?"

"Well I know Mick has to take you shopping before your training starts and this should be more than enough."

"How much is in here? Why are you giving this to me? I can't take your money!" I practically shout. I don't know what's going on.

"If I tell you, you have to promise me you cannot get mad and you can't refuse the money" Vick says.

"I'll promise I won't get mad, but I can't promise I'll take the money. That's my compromise"

Vick looks quietly at me as he continues, "This is the money the messenger brought me for your delivery. Well the first half anyway. Obviously I won't be getting the second half because I'm not letting you go. It's $250,000 and it's yours. I don't need it, nor do I want it"

My jaw drops. I feel angry that Ty would treat me like a fucking disposable doll for him to pay people to do what he wants, but I'm quickly sobered up by the fact that this is now Vick's money. He did do his job, he extracted me.

"Vick, I'm not mad, but this is too much. You did the job. You found me, you're at least holding half of your end of the bargain" I reach out to hand him the cash, but he stops me.

"Eva, I don't need it. I've been in club business since I was a teen and we make a lot of money moving things around here in the city, plus my side gig extraction business. I have no family, no one close to me to spend any money on. I've been saving and making wise investment decisions since I can remember. Trust me, I won't miss the money. It's yours. I'm not giving you something of mine, I'm returning something that should have been yours to begin with".

I can't help the tears flowing down my face at this man. We've just met, but things are moving so fast, but they seem so right. I hug him so tightly I can barely breathe anymore.

"OK Vick. But I am not going to carry this big pile of cash around at the store. I'll take some with me to get some necessities and save the rest for later ok?"

He smiles at me, putting the envelope away once I've taken some money to use to get some clothes and think about what to do with the rest. But first, we have to deal with Ty so I'll have to get back to this later.

We head downstairs and I head to the kitchen quickly to make breakfast for everyone. I notice they're all staring, "We need you boys fed and I love to cook. So just sit back. I won't be making anything fancy, just something quick and filling before we get going."

We finish eating and Mick and I go to the store to grab a few workout clothes, sneakers, regular outfits...and I slyly get a few intimate lingerie for later with Vick. Hey, a girl's gotta be prepared I think to myself.

We head back to the clubhouse, I change into workout clothes and head to the gym to start my training with Mick.

He is an amazing trainer. We start off with BJJ since I'm most familiar with that one - just to get myself comfortable with his training style and pick up a few pointers.

His muscles are big, but he's flexible, and fast. He's the entire package of an expert killer. Our trainings are intense, almost two hours. But I've got nothing better to do so as long as he's willing to spend the time with me, I'll take anything I can get.

We finish up, my entire body is sore, bruises, and I can barely walk, but I feel satisfied knowing that I pushed my body to the limits.

"So, how did you get involved with the clubhouse?" I ask, hoping that I'm not being too nosey, I add "if you want to share of course, no pressure"

"Unlike a lot of the guys here, I don't really have a past. I had a nice, loving home, my parents are amazing people. I'm an only child so I was fairly spoiled. Finished up college, got an MBA and actually worked in the corporate world as a banker if you can believe it" he says, laughing almost at himself.

My eyes go wide, but I urge him to continue. "But I wanted more out of life. I wasn't helping anyone. I was making rich assholes richer, while on my commute to the office in NYC I'd see subways and streets littered with homeless people. It pissed me off. One night after a late working day, I saw a group of thugs picking on one of the homeless and I lost it. I had taken up boxing classes awhile back and something in me snapped when I saw those guys. I was totally outnumbered, 6 to 1, but I didn't care. I was brutal, I shocked myself. They looked like a pile of dead bodies on the floor all bloodied up, but they were alive. I didn't give them the joy of death.. It then clicked. I didn't enjoy beating people up, but I enjoyed the defense and protection aspect of it. I started my own MMA club for training purposes and self defence only. Vick was the member here who found me, saw me in action, and asked if I wanted to join. Biker club wasn't exactly my style, but when I came down here to train them professionally, and saw what they stood for, I stuck around, and I am"

"Wow Micky, that's incredible. Where are your parents now?"

"They're upstate in NY. I went the banking route because my dad owned a few smaller businesses so I wanted to learn finance to be able to help him out one day when he retired, but clearly I took a different career route ha. They weren't exactly pleased, but, I made enough money to last me decades and they saw I was really happy so they let me be" he shrugged.

I smiled, "That's incredible Micky. You really are an angel. Thank you for training me. Same time same place tomorrow?"

"You got it girl" he says, as I leave the gym to shower.

**Please please vote! One click of a button is all it takes and it would mean the world to me! Also... I'm looking forward very much to #2 of the Ride or Die series. Any guesses on what character it will entail? x J

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