Chapter 18

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** Final chapters guys! I am so happy to have been on this journey with you and I hope you have enjoyed everything thus far! This is a short one, HOWEVER, I will be adding a few epilogues after this chapter so PLEASE follow to be posted on when they get uploaded. Comment/like to let me know your thoughts. And be ready for Book #2 of the Ride or Die Series!!


I wake up the next day, realizing I slept with my dick inside Eva. I slowly pull out, not wanting to cause her any pain. She wakes up, slowly looking at me, as she places herself over my body.

"I love you" she tells me. I smile, bringing her face toward me as I kiss her.

I love you too baby. More than you know"

She lays her head my chest as I stroke her hair. I love this woman. It's been such a short time in the big scheme of things, but we've been through so much and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

"Let's get you cleaned up. We head to the shower as I was her body everywhere and she returns the favor. It's sensual. There is no sex, no kinkiness, just us exploring our bodies with tender care.

We hop out, I dry her off. Pick her up and lay her on the bed and reach for the ointment.

She starts to complain, but gently push her back down.

"Eva, I've seen, touched, tasted, and fucked your pussy alread and I plan on doing it forever until I die. Sit still and let me put this on you. Doc's orders" I smile.

I rub the ointment all over her warm pussy from the shower, gently covering every scar. She's mostly healed after the assault. I thankfully notice I haven't hurt her in the process of last night. I place a quick kiss in her inner thigh before I lift her off the bed and tell her to get dressed.

We all head back down and she goes to the kitchen to get breakfast.

The brothers look at me. "How's she doing?" asks Tommy.

She's doing well. She's healed up pretty well after that bastard did a number on her. But she's happy.

I look over to the guys, "and she's pregnant".

They all look over at me. "That fucker!" Micky comes in.

I lift my hands up to calm them. "No Micky. We got lucky. The fucker wore a condom. It's mine" I say, smiling at the brothers as they all rush up to me to congratulate me.

"Fuck Vick, congratulations brother. You're gonna be an amazing dad you know that?" Danny says, giving me a handshake.

I look at the guys and I feel so fucking happy. I've finally found my queen.


I hear the ruckus in the kitchen as I come out and bring the boys food and they all jump at me at once.

"Congratulations Eva!! You're going to be a great mother".

"Thank you all! I'm beaming with joy. I am so incredibly happy looking around at the family around me.

I turn over to find Vick, when I see him down on one knee, I gasp.


Vick has a little black box in his hand, opens it and shows me a ring.

The boys are hollering so loudly now I can barely hear myself thing. "When did you get this? We've been together almost every second of the day!"

"When you went to the Doc's when you weren't feeling well. I didn't know you'd be coming back with a surprise of your own" He smiles at me.

"Baby, will you do me the honour of being my wife?"

"Yes Vick. I will". He takes my hand and slowly puts on the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

I bend down to give him a quick kiss while the boys are all giving us hugs and congratulating us.

"Welcome to the brotherhood sister" Micky says, as he gives me a big hug.

I give all the boys a big hug before Vick takes my hand and leads me to his motorcycle for our next adventure.

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