Chapter 15

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This woman. God I love her. I fucking love her. I look down into her eyes, noticing she's still in her towel. I hug her so closely to me.

"Baby, I would love to fuck you right here and show you how I'm never leaving you again. But I know you need to heal after what happened. So get dressed. I'm taking you to the doctor"

"No, please Vick. I cannot go into a hospital right now. I have too many bruises, too many cuts, I can't explain everything"

"You will. I'm taking you to our local club doctor. He's discrete and handles a lot of our messy business when we cant go to the hospital. I want you checked out immediately."

She quickly changes while I grab her by the hand and lead her to the car to go to our doctor.

I give him a quick call ahead of time, "Hey Doc. I need you to check on someone for me. It's an emergency".

I drive over and head into his home, holding Eva's hand. She looks at me, a bit nervous, but I give her a reassuring smile.

The Doc speaks first, "Vick I need you to wait here while I take Eva into the other room"

I look at her, and she nods, "I'll be okay Vick. Please wait here".

She follows the Doc into another room and I wait. It takes forever. I'm nervous. I am so fucking nervous for the first time in my life. And angry. He should not have gotten that close. I don't even know if he used a condom. I can't even ask her that.

I feel like I'm slowly losing my mind waiting in the living room before the Doc reappears.

"Vick - who is this girl to you?"

"Doc, I love her. She was an assignment from a brutal gang leader. My men and I got to her luckily, but I know we got there too late and he...he...touched her" I could barely get my words out. "Is she okay? Will she be okay?

The Doc looks up at me, "Yes. She will be. I gave her an ointment to apply and some medicine to ease her pain. She has vaginal bruising and tears all inside. The guy was rough with her Vick. You'll need to wait before you do anything and you need to be gentle. Her mind and her body will fight you off. These wounds are fresh, but it's clear to see from my examination she has been brutalized for years. There are old wounds there. You need to take care of her"

I am gripping onto the chair handles so tightly I thought they would break.

"I will Doc. I would give my life for hers. I would give her anything she wants. You have my word. No one will touch her again or I will kill them if they try"

He smiles at me while I hear Eva coming out of the room.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. She smiles at me, a bit nervous. "I'm okay" she responds back.

"Let's go back home. Thanks again Doc" I say before I take her hand and drive back to the club.

I take her to my bedroom and close the door. We have a few hours left of the day and I just want her to relax.

She looks up at me and smiles. She goes up and takes her medicine and comes over to me, speaking quietly, "Vick?"

"Hmm" I ask her. "Can you, um, please help me with the ointment? The Doc said I need to apply it..down there, to ease up the pain and fight off any infection. But if you don't feel comfortable it's o--"

I take the tube from her hand and ease her on the bed as I lower her panties and pants.. I wince, seeing the tears in the area. I try to control my breathing as I gently swirl the gel on her torn pussy, gently covering all the areas and coating any particular cuts I see.

I feel her breathing start to get shallow. I pull my hand away before we both get carried away.

I put her underwear and pants back up slowly, kissing her belly as I reach to button up her pants.

"Hey, look at me" she says. "Please don't blame yourself for this. Please"

I look up at her and kiss her, "Baby, I..." I kiss her again, holding her, bringing her body next to me, feeling her warmth on me. "I love you"

She looks at me, wide-eyed, "I love you too baby"


It's been a few weeks since that nightmare passed and I've been happily staying with Vick during this time to get myself on my own feet.

I woke up this morning, feeling a little nauseous. But I think nothing of it.

As the day progresses, the feeling gets worse and due to some of the injuries I sustained during my fight with Ty, I decide to go to the clubhouse Doc to just get everything checked out one more time in case I have an infection.

I take a car that I had bought with some of the money Vick had given me from Ty and head over.

"Hey Doc"

"Hey Eva, how are you doing?'

"Good Good. Just feeling a bit off. Normally I would wait it out a few days, but considering what happened to me, I just want to make sure I don't have an infection".

"Sure right this way"

I head over to one of the rooms as he goes over all the questioning, the paperwork, and checks me out for anything wrong.

"Eva, I would like to administer a pregnancy test for you if that's alright".

"Doc. I know we didn't talk much about what happened with Ty. But he used a condom"

The Doc ponders a bit, "Did you have unprotected sex anytime before that?"

I stop to think. Shit. My first time with Vick. He never mentioned a condom. And I think I forgot like a fucking idiot. I was so used to Ty using one every time, I was notorious to make sure he did, I could never have a baby with that fucking dick that I completely forgot to ask Vick.

"I ah...I think there may have been a time where I didn't."

"We'll do a quick test now".

I wait, all nervous, thinking about what I'm going to do if it is. I'm keeping the baby. If Vick walks away, I'll at least have a piece of him with me.

The Doc comes back, "Eva, honey, it's positive. I hope congratulations are in order?"

I smile at him "Yes Doc. Anyone, but that bastard, thank you" I give him a brief hug while I hop back, thinking what the fuck I'm going to do now, but can't help smiling at the new life I'll be bringing into the world.

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