Chapter 3

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God the pizza is so good, warm, the cheese is melting in my mouth. It's been hours since my last meal before the fight and I didn't even realize how hungry I was until I smelled the pizza. Vick I smile as I say his name in my head. Finally, green-eyed tatted God has a name. I smile slightly to myself. I notice he still hasn't let go of my other hand and for some reason, I don't mind. His warmth makes me feel something I haven't felt in

I look up to him, knowing he's waiting for me to start my story and he's right. At this point, I have nothing to lose so I begin.

"Well... the true part of the story is that I am actually from LA. I left 3 years ago. The bullshit part is you being told that I was kidnapped. I wasn't. I ran away"

He looks at me, waiting for me to continue, but I don't want to say too much all at once. I still don't know what side he's on, but he has a point. He hasn't taken me back to Ty yet so I can only imagine he's being somewhat truthful to me and my gut, for some stupid fucked-up reason, is telling me to continue.

"I um.. I was seeing a guy who wasn't exactly who he said he was. He wouldn't let me leave so I escaped and ended up in NYC about 3 years ago. I joined a fight club to... um.. to... " I start to stutter, feeling a panic attack coming on.

He moves closer to me, grabs my shoulders with both hands as he tells me to breathe, slowly moving his arms up and down as if to calm me.

"To..learn to protect myself" I finally sputter out. I look up at him and could get lost in his bright green eyes and for a moment I forget to breathe. I sit there until I realize it's still silent so I speak up "Do you um..mind releasing me so I can eat another slice of pizza? Like you said, I can't go anywhere.." I trail off.

He lets me go. I groan silently to myself, feeling alone without his warmth, but I dive towards the food and eat another 3 slices before he blinks.

I hear chuckling and look up at him, "well, I guess after that fight, I'm not surprised you have quite the appetite".

I smile, reaching for a napkin to make sure I don't have anything on my face. I turn to see the bed, and see a picture of myself there. I run over to grab it and notice it's me, about 3 years ago. I looked so happy and carefree. That now feels like a lifetime ago.

I turn to him and ask, "Where did you get this?" I come off angrier than I mean to, but I need to know.

"The fucker who works for the guy who hired me gave it to me so I knew who to look for."

I take it, and rip the picture to pieces. The girl in that photo no longer exists. I look at him, "So, what are you going to do with me?"

Vick looks at me like I'm crazy. "Well my plan was to deliver you to your boyfriend since he said you were kidnapped. But looks like he's playing me with a story that doesn't add up."

"That motherfucker is not my boyfriend" I spit out with venom that I've had pent up for years. I try to make a dash for the door, but his body blocks me. I'm shaking. I don't know if it's anger, fear, sadness, exhaustion. He holds me next to him as he grabs my chin and smiles down at me "Can't say I'm not happy to hear he's not your boyfriend. But I also have a reputation to save and a contract to fulfill so unless you tell me the details of what is going on, you're not giving me much of a choice"

I try to leave his grasp, but he holds me tighter. He looks angry. "Guess you won't talk so I'll call delivery boy here to pick you up tonight then" As he goes for his phone, I knock it out of his hand and try to punch his jaw, but he's strong and holds me down. I try to wiggle out of his hand, but he's holding me tighter. I'm out of control at this point, scratching, kicking, until he grabs me by the throat and squeezes hard enough that I get a flashbook of 3 years ago and immediately my body betrays me as it stills completely.

He releases his grasp on my throat, but my legs can't hold me up anymore. I start to slouch as he grabs me. "Oh no babe, you aren't passing out on me again" as he brings me over to the bed to sit. I look up at him and I can't hold it anymore. I can't remember the last time I cried, but I feel the tears move down my cheeks as I try to calm my breathing.

I look up at him before I speak, knowing that it's now or never.

"You can't take me back there. Please. He will...he will beat me and rape me and if God has any mercy, he will kill me instead if I don't do it myself first"


I hear her words, but they take longer to register in my brain. Now I'm no angel, fuck, my club house isn't exactly full of legal activites and I can't say I haven't taken a life. Tommy and I have more notches than half of the murders sitting in prison. But we never hit or rape women, ever. Only a sick fucking bastard would raise a hand to a woman or hurt her like that.

I am a man of my word, and I've never backed out of a contract before. But this fucker broke the rules when he gave me half the story and left some vital parts off the table. Whatever money he offered me, I'm not bringing Eva to him.

As I'm sitting there thinking to myself... I realize she hasn't said a word. She's shaking near me so I take her and place her in my lap while I hug her close to me. I lean in and whisper, "Eva, you need to tell me who did this to you. I cannot find out more about my contract nor can I keep you safe if I don't have all the facts"

She whimpers slightly and stirs, rubbing her ass on my dick that's already way too hard and I'm sure she can already feel it.

"You won't bring me back? But the contract?"

"Fuck the contract. He broke the rules. All men know what lines I don't cross. He was made aware of that and he left that piece out. I owe him nothing"

She stills as she bites her lip, thinking what to say. Fuck, I want to bite that lip.


"His name is Ty. He 's the leader of the Los Mortales Biker Club in Los Angeles. He has men everywhere. I don't know how you'll be able to handle hi--"

I cut her off. "Don't you worry about how I'll handle him. Tell me what you know about him and you let me worry about what I'll do next"

She tells me some background on the fucker, but to be honest I knew most of it already. Ty is a bloody psychopath. My club kills with purpose, moreso for protection, but his club kills for fun. He's a disgusting, vile piece of shit who tried to expand his group into NYC before my club brothers killed most of his men that were sent out here. With Eva here, I know he'll start a war, but I don't give a fuck. I haven't known her long, but I know I would kill every one of those fuckers before they get to her.

After she finishes telling me what she knows, I grab her hand and bring her out of the room.

"Where are we going?" She stutters.

"We're meeting Danny. He's the leader of the club"

I look at her and I know her mind is racing. "Eva, my club is not like your disgusting ex-boyfriend's" I spit out. "We don't fucking murder people for the fun of it. Danny leads our club, ROD." She looks at me, waiting to continue "Ride or Die. Starting today, you're under our protection and if any one of those fuckers come and touch you, I'll rip their bodies apart and deliver them to their fucking mothers in a box".

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