Chapter 17

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My heart is full of so much love that I could burst.

In search a short time, I have met a man who loves me unconditionally, I rid myself of the horrible demon behind my nightmares, and will be creating my own family.

I cannot believe considering how things have gone that I am finally blessed with this life of mine.

My mind comes back to the present as my hand lowers on Vick's pants and boxers, pulling them down, getting him completely naked while I take off my own clothes soon after.

He lifts me up and gently sets me higher up on the bed, as his own body hovers over my own.

He kisses my neck, sucking at the sensitive spot behind my ear as his hands travel to my breasts, milking them, teasing them as I wiggle underneath him. His lips travel lower to my breast, taking a nipple and rolling it in his teeth as my back arches off of the bed.

He moves to the other breast, giving it the same attention as his hand slides slowly to my warm core. He is being so gentle with me, knowing it's been awhile since I've been touched, and sadly, knowing that the last time was against my consent.

He licks and kisses my breasts as his hands massage gently my folds, playing with me as I'm moaning out his name.

He gently sticks two fingers in me as my hips involuntary lift off the bed. He eases my hips back down with his other hand, "Easy baby. We're going to go slowly at first. And then I'll take you again. Hard." I whimper as I hear what he's saying.

His mouth follows the trail of his hands, pressing a kiss to my already wet pussy. He is so excruciatingly slow and gentle. Afraid he will hurt me.

As his fingers move in and out, rubbing against my inner walls, his mouth is teasing, licking, nibbling, as he shoves his tongue in me.

"Vick. My God".

I feel him laughing against my clit and I'm barely holding on to reality. His hands are rubbing, slowly bringing me to the edge with his tongue and when he feels I'm close, he pulls away.

"Vick. I need you. Please"

He smiles down at me. "All in good time baby". He comes back up, lifting my legs by the thigh, on both sides of his hips as he positions his hard cock at my entrance. I look up at him, wiggling my hips to get closer as one of his hands presses me back down.

"Not yet baby"

I whine as he laughs at me playfully. He looks down at my pussy. "So pretty. So ready. So wet for me".

He rubs his hardened dick up and down my center. I'm moaning so loudly I can't hear myself think. My eyes are rolling around my head, barely focusing on the present.

He slowly takes his cock and pushes into me ever so slowly, ever so gently. He is making love to me. He moves inch by inch until he's finally balls-deep in me.

"Vick. I feel so full. God, so good"

He starts to move in and out, I feel like I can't take it anymore. I try to move to meet his thrusts as he puts a handon my knee to still me.

He keeps this slow pace as I lose my mind. I feel my climax coming, he takes a finger, presses it lightly at my other hole as I gasp.

He smirks as he takes one final, deep plunge into me, "Cum for me Eva"

I fall apart. Squirming, moving as he continues his slow assault into me. I feel like I'm in bliss for hours before my body finally starts feeling alive again.

"That was amazing" I breathe.

I turn to look at him, "Baby, I know you want to take things slow, and I know that, down there I may not be in the best shape and I'm sorry.."

"Baby, your pussy is amazing. There is nothing wrong down there."

I smile at him. "Vick, can you please go hard? Please show me that pain can be pleasure. Please. I need it"

He looks at me, pondering what to do.

I give him an encouraging nod and before I know it, he pulls out and flips me on my belly, pulling up my hips toward the air as I fall with my hands on the bed.

"Baby, a condom.."

I smile up at him. "Vick, we're already having a baby. Just fuck me already"

He smacks my ass playfully as he hits me hard and fast right into my pussy balls-deep. This position opens me up to him more, my sensitive flesh exposed to me as he keeps riding me harder and faster. He smacks my ass again, takes his cock out, smacks my wet pussy as I whimper before he enters me hard again. I move my hips back screaming.

"Fuck Vick. You feel amazing. Again"

He tortures me, slowly, sensuously. He inserts his pointer finger gently in my asshole as I whimper, "Baby, one day I'm going to fuck you right here"

I'm dripping. I'm sure he can see that my wetness is seeping down my legs but he doesn't stop. He continuous to fuck me with a ferocity I have never seen, taking and taking until he presses a finger to my clit, rubbing my nub and I come undone in his hands as I feel his seed inside me, coating my walls with his cum.

He breathes heavily as I try to catch my own breath. I pull him onto me, "Baby that was amazing. Thank you"

I kiss him as he slowly comes down. He inserts himself in me and stays there, holding my back tight against his chest as we fall asleep naked, his cock still in my pussy, and I smile as my eyes heavily close.

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