Chapter 5

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I'm happy Danny agreed to do this for me. In reality, all of us have had an encounter with Ty that made us want to bash his face in. He's cocky. He runs the biggest biker gang in LA and wanted to take over our turf in NYC a few years back. He was bringing in men trying to take over our transport and movement business before Danny caught whiff of what he was up to and beat his men into submission. We knew changes were high for him to come back, but we didn't know it would be because of a woman.

Damn. Some woman. My cock still hardens thinking about Eva taking her opponent down during the fight. She was fast, strong, and clearly has been doing MMA for some time so Ty must have really fucked her up to be able to destroy her confidence like that.

I take her hand as we leave the den and we move towards the center of the club to get her more familiar with the men here.

"Eva, you've met Tommy, my right-hand man, Danny is the boss. This here is Hammer, he deals with weapons transport for the club, Stitch is our Tech guy who handles our security, system hacking, and surveillance, and Nathan, who is Danny's VP at the club. We have a few members who I'll introduce you to as they come in"

She shakes everyone's hand before she turns to me and asks, "so what do you and Tommy do?"

Tommy chimes in, "well I'm the getaway driver" as he winks at her and then he turns to me as I go rigid.

"And Vick here is our --" I cut him off. "The extractor" I say, cutting him off. I don't need her knowing the details. She's already seen enough monsters and I want her to trust me first before we go down that road.

She glances around the club before she sits at one of the bars we have downstairs.

"So.." she starts. "How can I help? Do you need to use me as a decoy?"

The fuck? "Eva. You aren't getting involved in this"

"Vick. I've been preparing for this fight for the last 3 years. The last time this man saw me, I was weak and was his personal punching bag. I've dreamed about the moment when I would make him taste his own blood while he swallows his teeth down his throat," she hisses.

I give her look. "I'll think about it. But right now. I want you here, under my supervision at all times at least until I speak with the messenger"

"Vick. You know the guy's not going to come unless he's sure you have something. Take my picture, send it to him and plan to meet up sometime this week. It will protect your rep by showing just how quickly you deliver on your contract".

I turn to Danny who overheard the conversation and he nods. "She has a point Vick. You know he'll ask for proof. Set the date to meet in a couple of days. Will be plenty of time for us to iron out the details and have him sit on the knowledge that we have her. I'll shoot a message out to the rest of the bikers here in NYC and have them keep an eye for movement. We're not the only ones who would kill Ty at the chance of having that little LA fucker come down here and mess with our shit".

I pull my phone out and have her turn to the side, not wanting her entire face exposed in case he uses the picture to scan cameras in the city. I take a picture and send it to Ty's messenger along with a message "Package extracted. I'll reach out in the next few days to deliver".

I send the message. We wait a few minutes before he texts back, "Special pickup. Boss will be here end of week to collect. I'll text you location and details then"

"Well well. Looks like getting the fucker on our turf was easier than I thought" says Danny.

I put the phone away and look at Eva. I still don't know about what happened with her and Ty and how he tortured her, but I see a fighter in her. I can tell she's ready to take her life back, but she has her moments where I can see she still suffers from her past and it makes my heart ache. I want to make sure she knows she is strong to see him again.

I turn around the club and spot Micky coming in.. "Hey Micky, come over here."

He walks over as I point to Eva. "This is Eva. She's an MMA fighter and under our club protection. Tommy will fill you in on the details". She blushes at me, not used to the praise and attention.

"Starting tomorrow, I want you to train her so when she comes into contact with the fucker we're protecting her from, she can hit him where it hurts" I wink at her. "Micky here fights like his life depends on it. He's an animal. He has a black belt in BJJ, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, and Karate. He trains all of us when we join the club. He trained me and I know he would take your skillset and perfect it like no other. He's the only guy here who belongs to another club and lives to tell the tale" I smirk before I continue, " actual MMA training fight club".

"Hi Eva, nice to meet you. We'll get you up to pro speed like Vick here in no time, especially since you come with experience." Micky turns to me, "I'll get the details later from Tommy, but who are we protecting her from?"

"Ty from Los Mortales" I mention.

Micky grins. "Eva, It will be my pleasure to train you so you can slowly and painfully take Ty's last living breath and soul from his body".

As Micky heads back to the training room, I ask Tommy to first give me and Eva a ride back to the fight club to grab my bike to get lunch before he returns to update Micky on Eva's situation.

Eva turns and smiles, "We taking the bike to lunch?" I nod. She responds, "Never been on a bike before". I smile. I've never let another woman on my bike either" I think to myself before we head out.

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