Chapter 13

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**This part gets graphic real quick. You've been warned! But I think you'll enjoy it :)


I get to the address that Tommy texted me and I recognize his car. I walk over there, a good safe distance from some commotion farther up.

"Hey Vick. She's in the car from what I can tell. Ty just walked into the warehouse and brought some clothes for her...." he pauses.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. Why the fuck would he be bringing clothes to her unless he bloodied her up from assaulting her in the car?

"Vick. That means she's alive. Stay focused." Tommy says to me, getting me to relax. I want to rush over to her, but we still have to wait for a few of the men to join.

I came here faster, after I went to the clubhouse to get my bike and meander through traffic faster. I brought extra weapons with me which I hand to Tommy. I place a few knives in my boot, and an extra gun in the back of my pants.

I first see Hammer approaching with a bag. He brought a fuck ton of weapons from our storage in case anything went south. He always has extra candy in the bag. I swear the guy gets a tick if he isn't holding a gun in his hand at all times.

We wait a few more minutes before our group comes in. As they approach, I hear a commotion near the warehouse.

I see Eva fighting off the 5 men outside of the car. Two are on the floor unconscious, two are dead, blood oozing out of them.

That's my girl.

I see her hesitate and that's when I look at what she sees, Ty, with a gun pointed at her. My blood boils.

I take two guns in each hand as I ask my brothers to cover me.

I run towards her and notice another two men behind Ty looking at me raising their weapons. I fire 2 bullets, one for each head as they fall down behind him.

I see Ty whip out his gun from behind his pants as he points it at me, but before I take my aim, Eva kicks the weapon out of his hand.

"Go! Get the others in the warehouse. I'll handle Ty" she says. I look at her and see fierce determination in her eyes. I know she needs this. She needs to feel his life leave his body for her to feel safe again.

I nod in her direction, putting her own life, and my heart, in her hands as I make a move towards the warehouse.

I hear the rest of my men behind me as we kick open the door and notice about 30 of Ty's men in the warehouse, looking perplexed at us before they start shooting.

Hammer comes in right behind me, with a machine gun, taking out about 8 guys right in front of me.

The other biker gangs come in, each prepared to take out Ty's members.

There are shots everywhere in rapid succession. I take a moment to look around.

The warehouse is full of weapons that Ty was planning on bringing to use against us. There's a bunch of drugs in the corner, a few safes probably filled with money and maps on one of the tables.

He was planning on taking over the city that fucker, with Eva in tow.

Eva I remember she is out there with Ty. I rush out, leaving the rest of my men to finish off what we started.


I see Vick and his men, along with about 35 others I don't recognize entering the warehouse. I quickly shift my attention back to Ty who is now running for the gun I knocked out of his hand earlier when he pointed it at Vick. I take my knife and throw it at him, practicing what I had learned from Ty - into his back, hopefully to paralyze him now that I would effectively be weaponless.

He falls to the ground as blood seeps out of his body. I rush over to take the gun from the ground, looking at him.

I smile at him. "Now Baby. You wouldn't think I would make it easy for you and just bullet a bullet in your head would you?

I empty out the gun, letting the bullets fall to the floor before I punch him hard in the face, breaking his jaw.

I twist the knife out as I pull it out of him, hearing him scream makes me happy. I kick him down, straddling him with my body.

"Baby, I thought you liked me on top" I smirk at him as I take my knife and slice up his chest with it. I see his eyes. For the first time in my life I see him looking at me in fear, not the other way around.

I cut up his pants. Slice through his underwear as I reach for his dick.

He wiggles as I look up, "Oh where do you think you're going? The number of times you threatened me. The number of times you hit me, broke me, cut me up, raped me. You think I'd let you keep this thing to do it again? You're my bitch now" I say, taking the knife from earlier and slicing his dick off.

I barely recognize myself feeling myself turn into the monster I've become. But I also feel a sense of relief. I feel light, knowing he will never rape me again. Knowing he will never be able to force himself on me again.

I stab the knife in his leg, looking up at him, wondering if I should kill him.

I hear Vick's voice in the background.

"Eva! Are you okay?" He runs up to me, holding me as he looks down at Ty, bleeding all over the floor.

"I'm okay. I am finally okay" I breathe.

The Dark Rider (18+) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now