Chapter 6

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We get back to the fight club and get out for the car, waving bye to Tommy. I watch Vick lead the way to see his beautiful Harley in the parking lot. I've never ridden on a bike before, but I trust Vick to take care of me.

We go towards the bike and notice Vick stops and looks at me, "You were with Ty for how long? And you've never been on a bike?"

I look down. At this point, my submission is a reflex when I talk to a guy like Vick who gives off dominance. It was one of the reasons I never had another man after Ty. I couldn't stand being put in a position of weakness when talking guys and one of the reasons I took up MMA fighting, to make sure I never feel weak. But with Vick, I don't mind it as much.

He steps towards me and lifts my face up to look at me, waiting for my response.

"I uh.. He never let me leave the clubhouse. I had hours when I was allowed to go in the backyard for some fresh air. But I couldn't leave the premises. The few times I did, it would be by car with a driver while he and I would sit in the back so he would make sure I wouldn't make a run for it"

I finally let my eyes make contact with Vick's before I see his anger broiling. I see him lean down, maybe to kiss me again, but before we connect, he separates, taking in a deep breath and I can't help, but feel disappointed.

"Come on." He says. You sit behind me and grab on tightly to my body as we drive to a local diner. They have the best burgers and fries. You like burgers and fries?" he asks.

I smile, nodding my head as I climb behind him on the motorcycle and we take off.

The warmth of his body is calming my nerves as I lean into him, holding him tightly to my body. I feel his ripped muscles underneath and blush as I picture how he would look without his shirt on.

We finally get to the diner as he hops off and holds out his hand to help me off the bike.

We walk towards the diner and sit, noticing every single woman look at him like he's dessert.

We sit as a waitress comes to the table to take our order. When she finishes with his, she forgets I'm sitting there, I clear my throat "hello...there's another person at the table in case you haven't noticed". I can't help feeling annoyed and sounding like a jealous girlfriend.

"Oh sorry, what can I get you?"

I place my order as she runs off. I look up and see Vick smirking at me. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing. You just sounded like you were going to cut a bitch when you talked to that waitress"

"Well she was fucking rude", I shot back.

We get our food and start to eat when Vick suddenly starts talking to me, "So, how did you get out of that fucker's grasp?"

I still. Forgetting to chew my food. Well, he doesn't take his time now does he.

He notices my body language, but waits for me to continue.

" was about 3 years ago. He and his men were gone, assuming doing some business deal and he left me with one of the guys who was actually the nicest of them. I told him I was on my period and needed tampons so I had to go to the store to not bleed all over his boss's floor" I say nonchalantly, noticing Vick almost spit out his food at my comment and starts laughing.

I wait and pray that he doesn't ask me more about Ty. He looks at me, and speaks so quietly it's as if he is talking to himself, "Takes some fucking asshole to destroy a woman as strong as you".

I'm taken back. I don't know what to say so I quickly change the subject, "What about you? How did you get involved in ROD?"

"I was a fucking trouble of a kid. Bored of school. My life at home was a bit fucked up. My dad was abusive up until my mom died of cancer. He tried to take it out on me and I joined ROD as protection. They taught me everything I know and honed in my skills as an extractor. The last time I saw my dad was when he tried to raise his hand at me and I broke his fucking arm and told him I'd kill him the next time I see him".

I gasped. I didn't know what to say to make it feel better so I did the next dumbest thing, "I'm sorry about your dad. I'm an orphan. Can't say I wouldn't want a mom like you, but happy I didn't get the abusive father bit". I stop, realizing I shouldn't have said that, "Shit. I'm sorry. I can't assume...".

Vick holds his hands up to silence me, "Let's just agree we both had some fucked up childhoods".

"I'll drink to that"

We finish eating and head out. We go back to the bike while Vick asks "If you don't want to go back to the clubhouse just yet, I have a spot we can go to if you wanna check it out"

I nod, wondering where we are going. It's afternoon, we still have a good chunk of the day left so I don't want to go back just yet. We hop on the bike and he takes me far up north of NYC, to the suburbs. It's so quiet here, it actually seems like we're a world away from NYC. He drives up until we get to a spot farther out, but where we can still see the skyline.

He stops the bike as he pulls me off, holding my hand as we sit on one of the benches. It's so quiet and peaceful, and for some reason, I feel the courage to straddle him and kiss him while on the bench with no one around.

He deepens the kiss, holding my body firmly against his, making me moan out his name like a wild animal. I push him farther apart while I try to catch my breath.

"Sorry. I'm not usually like that"

He smirks up at me a bit as if he's trying to figure out if he can believe me and I don't blame him. I'm sure lots of women throw themselves at him and say the good old "I've never done this before"

I sit down, feeling a bit embarrassed, but I don't want him to think I'm some biker groupie whore so I blurt out, "There was only Ty you know. I never whored myself around before I met him. And after I met him, he would kill me if I ever went with anyone else anyway. It was stupid of me to throw myself at you. I'm sorry. I won't do it again"

I look up at him, but before I can process what is going on, he lifts me off the bench and places me on his lap, tugging my hair up to look at him.

"Fuck Eva. Fuck" as he kisses me, slipping his hand gently under my shirt, rubbing up on my stomach.

I tense up, feeling nervous. I've never been pleasured like this before. I don't know what to do. Ty would do whatever he wanted and slap me around, forcing himself on me so I never really had a chance to learn how to return what he's doing to me.

He feels me tense up as he takes away his hand, looking at me as if to say he's sorry.

"No, Vick. It's okay. I want to...I had know...I just don't know how to do this" I manage to get out.

He kisses me as he pulls my shirt back down. I look up at him and he just smiles at me.

"Baby, if you want to, we will when you're ready. But I'm not taking you on a public bench. I want to be the only one to see you as I fuck you into the best orgasm of your life"

My jaw drops. My panties are wet. And I know I'm in trouble.

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