Chapter 4

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I finish telling Vick my story and I pray he isn't on Ty's side. He grabs my hand and tells me where we are going, explaining that I am under his club's protection now. I feel a sense of relief washing over me now that I know I'm not going back there.

We head downstairs to the main floor where a bunch of club members are there. I don't recognize anyone until a blonde boy, blue eyes, with heavy tattoos steps up to me. "I hope you liked the pizza, I'm Tommy".

I smile at him and shake his hand, thanking him for bringing the food.

Vick heads over to a tall, dark-haired guy who is slightly smaller than Vick in built, but easily the second biggest from what I can see in the group.

"Danny, this is Eva. I gave her my word that's under this club's protection"

Danny looks at him and nods. I can't help being surprised that this guy just goes with what Vick is saying. I look up to him, knowing he's the big boss so I want to be respectful, "Thank you Danny"

"Don't thank me girl, thank Vick. I've never seen this man bring anyone into a club and offer them protection. You must be special".

I feel my face turn a shade of pink, but don't say anything.

I hear Vick speak, "Danny, I'd like to call a brief meeting with the brothers and give them some background on Eva"

"Boys - rally up to the den" says Danny.

They all head towards a separate office room while Vick grabs my hand pulls me behind him. I feel his warmth all the way to my core and try to hold back the shock of feeling what I'm feeling. No man has ever made me feel like that. I've never felt pleasure from any man, with Ty making it very clear that my body was for his enjoyment and not the other way around.

We head to the office and Vick motions for me to sit next to him at the round table.

Danny speaks first. "Boys, Vick has a guest at the clubhouse and he's promised her protection".

I feel everyone's eyes on me and I start to look down. I may be a pro fighter, but there's no way I could take multiple guys here at once given their size.

Vick squeezes my hand, making me look at him while I notice he gives me a quick smile before he looks out to the group to speak.

"Brothers. As some of you may know, a guy from LA reached out about a contract. He told me his girlfriend was kidnapped and brought to NYC and asked me to extract her and deliver her back." He looks at me as I hold my breath.

"Turns out, the fucker is Ty from Los Mortales and his girlfriend is Eva here, who escaped from his grasp 3 years ago and has been in hiding since"

At once I hear growls and a few of the men hit the table that startles me. One of the men starts to speak "That fucker Ty! I thought we were done with the bastard, sent him back to LA with his tail between his legs" he spits out.

Vick waits for people to calm down before he continues, "well looks like we aren't done with him after all. He'll come back here for Eva when he sees I won't deliver her and I plan to slit his throat and deliver him in his pieces to his men if he so much as breathes in her direction."

I hear Tommy speak up, "Vick, Danny, what do you want us to do? You know he'll start a war. And you know I'm down to kill the motherfucker like anyone else here. He's been encroaching on land that isn't his and getting cocky in the process."

Danny raises his hand and everyone stills. He turns to Vick, "Vick, you still have the messenger's contact info?" Vick nods. "Good. Reach out and have him meet us at one of the bars on the block saying you have the package. You'll have 3 men inside and 2 outside. I want to pick him up and see what he can tell us about Ty so we can lure him out here. It will be easier to deal with the piece of shit on our turf."

"You got it boss" says Vick.

"Dismissed" Danny responds, waving the men out of the room.

I wait for everyone to clear until it's just me and Vick in the room. "Thank you Vick. I owe you my life."

He looks down at me and gives me a nod. He still has my hand so I pull him over and kiss him on the lips abruptly. He stills at first, in shock, before he grabs my waist and deepens the kiss. I give him access as his tongue roams my mouth and I moan. I finally pull away to catch my breathe as I look up and see desire pooled into his eyes.

"Vick?" I say. He looks at me. "Why are you helping me? Don't get me wrong. I am incredibly grateful. I just...I just want to know why you'd help a nobody like me"

He looks at me a bit quizzically before he speaks, "because no man should ever make a woman fear for her life". He's angry. I can tell there is a story there, but I don't want to push my luck. "And you are not a nobody", he adds. I give him a small smile and squeeze his hand as a thank you before we head out of the room.

**Hope you guys are liking it so far! I know it's taking a bit to get to actually see them together, but I want to take time to really build the trust between the two after Eva's history with men. x J

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