Epilogue 1

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I couldn't believe this was happening. Vick took the news of my pregnancy so well and I was finally going to have my happily ever after with a beautiful wedding.

I was at this point about 4 months pregnant, beaming. The wedding day was here and I couldn't help feeling so much joy for my life.

Micky was going to walk me down the aisle. I had on a beautiful, lace white dress, form-fitting, with intricate detailing and white glitter Cinderella-like slippers.

All the clubhouse brothers were at the wedding, with a few boys from the other NYC biker gang who helped me with the Ty situation as well as a few girls I'd met at the fight club.

I knew after the baby, I would have my hands full - but after Vick and I talked, I knew I wanted to return to the fight club and maybe help Micky with his training sessions. I wanted to keep myself toned, in shape, and now it was for my own enjoyment vs. my own protection.

We decided to not find out the gender of the baby early on - we both knew that we were going to love him or her no matter what and that it didn't matter to us what we were having.

Vick had bought a home in the suburbs, close enough to the city where we could visit the clubhouse whenever we wanted, but farther away to actually have a backyard and a good education system for our child.

Of course Vick would keep the spare in the clubhouse anytime he needed to stay there for any missions, and I wanted to be able to enjoy that place with him since that was effectively his home - his family.

As I walk down the aisle, I look at Vick looking at me and his mouth drops. Tears form in my eyes as Micky holds my hand steady.

I reach the alter and barely register what I have to say until finally I hear, "You may now kiss the bride" as Vick takes me in for a deep kiss and we break as soon as the boys start whooping and cheering in the background.

We dance the whole day and into the night, a wedding come true.

I wish my parents would have been here, but I'm happy with the family that I have by my side and wouldn't exchange them for the world.

I dance with Vick until he senses that my feet are hurting from the shoes and from the extra weight so we say goodbye as he carries me bridal-style into our still unfinished home.

"I love you so much Vick. Thank you for making a dream come true that I didn't even know I had"

He kisses me and I moan into his lips. I take the wedding dress off and jump his bones.

"The baby..."

"The baby will be fine. You however, will not, if you deny me your cock right now" I smirk into his lips.

We slowly take each other's clothes off as Vick gently lays me on the bed, slowly kissing all of my exposed flesh until he reaches my pussy, already wet for him. He stills, placing a hand on my belly, and I see the look of love in his eyes that is almost too much.

He dips a finger into me as I lift my hips off the bed, slowly moving around me until I can't take it anymore. He assaults my wet core with an extra finger and his mouth until my eyes glaze over.

"Vick, please, I'm so close"

He pulls me until my butt is almost hanging to the side of the bed, lifting both legs as he places his throbbing dick at my entrance and pushes.

He is so gentle, but right now I need rough. I look up at him, "Vick, trust me. The baby will be fine. PLEASE go harder." I am exacerbated as I feel myself going crazy at his slow place.

He looks at me, and I nod, to reassure him, before he pulls my hips onto him as I cry out. "Yes baby...more..."

He is fast, hard, hitting me in all the right spots until I swear I see stars in my vision. He is demanding, pulling and fucking me into obvlion as I moan and move around the bed like a hungry animal.

He pulls out of me and looks up, "Can I flip you over?"

Fuck I almost cry out seeing his concerned look on his face. I'm crazed, barely comprehending, I slowly turn over, holding up my weight on my arms before I turn over "Please hold me so I don't fall on my belly"

"We don't have to do this position"

"Fuck Vick. Please. Just hold me"

"Baby, I will never fucking drop you". He takes my hips and forcibly comes into me again, this position hitting me in a new way as I push against the headboard. "FUCK VICK".

He continues shoving his dick in me, hard fast, pulling out, slapping my pussy, shoving it in until I can't feel anything around me anymore as my own climax hits me. I feel his seed hit deep into me and scream his name until my throat burns.

I feel my legs start to give out as he holds me, gently lowering and turning me on the side as he pulls out of me and peppers my entire body with kisses.

He leans behind me, bringing his hands to my stomach, slowly rubbing it as I smile to myself, barely awake to comprehend what is happening.

"I love you so much baby. You will forever be my best assignment" he smirks as I bring his hand up from my tummy and kiss it.

"I love you too, my angel"

My world is now complete.

***One more epilogue scene coming up!** Thank you!

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