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Rohit was having a very peaceful and deserving sleep. He deserved this very-very much. They have just won an absolutely inspiring series.

And so, he will sleep totally today. After all, there is no practice today.

There will be only he and his sweet sleep. He'll pack later after all they have an early morning flight tomorrow.

So, today it'll be just him and his sweet-sweet sleep.

But Ro forgot that a certain Virat Kohli had entered his life.

And as long as there is Virat Kohli in his life, there won't be any me time with his sweet sleep.

And at that moment, as if smelling Ro was in the lands of sweet slumber. Virat barged in his room vibrating with energy.

"ROHIT" Virat screamed on the top of his voice as he entered the room.

He rolled his eyes watching Ro sleeping.

"Rohit!!!" He called for his bestie trying to wake him with words.

Can't use a water bucket so soon. He reminded himself as Ro covered his ears with a pillow trying to cancel out the annoying sound.

Sighing exasperatedly, Virat jumped on Rohit's bed and started poking his friend while using the bed as a trampoline.

"Wakey, Wakey Ro..."

"Come on Sunshine, Rise and Shine"

Virat sang on the top of his voice, poking and jumping on Ro's bed like an excited toddler waking his parents.

Rohit just groaned highly annoyed when he realized; no matter how unresponsive and deep in sleep, he acted. This monkey wasn't going to leave him.

"What?? No practice today" Ro reminded Vi annoyed as he squinted open his eyes and tried to close them again.

But it was a super excited Virat jumping around him.

"No, no practice. Don't sleep, Ro. It's already 12. Wakey, wakey time now" Virat sang happily.

Rohit didn't know how can someone be so happy in the morning. It was just so annoying.

"Virat, stop jumping. You'll break the bed," Rohit snapped at Virat who stilled momentarily.

Then started vibrating again "Ro, get up fast. I've a surprise. Wake up, na"

"What surprise?? Ro questioned Virat mildly intrigued yet not getting up.

Virat just threw him a super annoyed look.

"Will it be a surprise if I tell you what it is?? Now Go and fresh up, fast!!!!" Virat ordered Ro.

Ro looked at Virat pondering whether he should really follow this order or not??

Then realizing Virat won't give up neither stop jumping around until he agreed.

Ro sighed feeling very remorseful to leave his better half, his one true soulmate, his bed.

Sighing, he got up and followed Virat's order.

Rolling his eyes when Virat hollered behind him to hurry.

"This guy was always in hurry," Ro thought annoyed as he walked back in his room to find Virat lying on his bed.

Virat leg was dangling from the bed and he was glaring at his phone like his phone snatched away his last chocolate.

Ro didn't know why he was glaring at his phone?  He was about to ask him when Virat's face suddenly lit up with a million-dollar smile.

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