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Virat Kohli has always considered himself a highly observant being. He was certain that he never missed any discomfort of his teammates and kids. He was quite a lot proud of his ability to observe and look after his team.

But right now, his great observation sense seemed to have forsaken him for he just didn't notice the plight of his teammates. Even after calling himself the king of observations such minute observations missed his notice. But in his defense, right now he was really-really tangled in very important work and because of that very important mission, he was banging on the door of one Bhuvneshwar Kumar at 1 am.


"Open the damn door before I break it," He bellowed uncaring of the other sleeping occupants of that floor.

To Bhuvi's credit, he groggily opened the door and pulled Virat inside his room before the other occupants of the floor could wake up and bash Virat for the ruckus he created. 


 Bhuvi demanded with a scowl from Virat. Ignoring, Bhuvi- Virat slumped down Bhuvi's bed and looked ready to go back to sleep. God, Bhuvi was going to murder Virat if he created such a ruckus because of nothing. 

"Kul called. He was sobbing, he sounded so terrified, Bhuviiii. I didn't know what to do?" Virat rambled placing his phone inches away from Bhuvi's face as if Bhuvi could see from the phone how terrified Kul sounded.

"Why? What happened?" Bhuvi asked Virat trying to perfectly hide his worry as he took Virat's phone from Virat and the second the phone rested in his palm, it started ringing. Bhuvi picked up the call knowing Rahul will disconnect the call if it wasn't picked on the first bell. 

"Vii," The timid voice of Rahul greeted both the worriedly shaking Vi and concerned Bhuvii.

"Rahuliyaaaa, what happened? You okay," Virat's sudden scream terrified Bhuvi more than Rahul's voice and Bhuvi was sure it scared Rahul too. Who the heck screams like this in the middle of the night?

"Yes...Vi bhaiya, I...I'm fine,"

"Nonsense, What happened Rahul? I want to know right now." Virat demanded hotly and Bhuvi felt like banging his head somewhere. Who talks to a terrified person like this? Again, apparently his Cheeku.

"I can't sleep," Rahul muttered apparently well acquainted with a demanding Kohli.

"From when did you get insomnia?" Virat asked Rahul almost indecorously and Bhuvi couldn't help himself from swatting Virat's head. What's wrong with this guy? While Virat grumbled about mean friends rubbing the back of his head. Rahul chuckled quietly all traces of fear forgotten.

"Oye, Rahuliyaaa don't laugh at your best elder brother," Virat scolded Rahul halfheartedly as Bhuvi rolled his eyes at Virat totally giving up on his sleep. He didn't think he will be able to sleep today with these incidences.

"Who said you're my eldest bro?" Rahul asked Virat almost dryly

Virat spluttered around mumbling something about mean brothers getting contaminated. Bhuvi didn't know what to do with all these almost cute hooligans? Ignoring, the spluttering Virat, he questioned the now calm and normal-sounding Rahul.

"What's the matter, Rahul?"

"It's really silly," Rahul started bashfully

"Well, did we ever laugh at your silly thoughts?" Virat's question was rhetorically and whether Rahul didn't totally get the tone or ignored it Bhuvi couldn't guess or was he trying to stall? Bhuvi thought listening to Rahul's reply.

"Geez, lemme think it was that time when I was drunk and then..." As Rahul began Virat hastily cut him off

"We won't laugh now, Do you really think Bhuvi will laugh at you? That's very bad Rahuliyaa," Virat happily turned the table on Rahul and Bhuvi didn't know whether to groan at the way Virat's mind worked or congratulate him for helping Rahul stall.

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