Part 10

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Virat was visibly vibrating in his spot. Rohit noticed for the thousandth time in the morning. They were sitting together after practice and Virat was shaking like a leaf in thunderstorm. God, what's wrong with his bestie today?

Thoughtful and worried, Ro sent a querying look towards Jad. Who looked as lost as him behind the reason of their common bestie's antics? Common bestie, Ro never thought he will use this word ever in his entire life.

But one Virat Kohli is making his use all such kinds of word which he may or may not have ever used. He can't believe it has been just about six months since their Sri Lanka tour and he is already being so possessive about Virat. Virat is his bestie no question asked and also, one of his fastest bestie till date. Virat and he connected and mixed like air mixing with air. You can't just differentiate between them and with all of Virat's teasing, pranks, dramatics and monkey on sugar high behaviour. No one ever understands him like Virat.

One look at him and Virat knows somehow what he is going through. The way Virat hugged him after giving him the chance to take the winning shot in the finals. That prat had the audacity to say "Our hero" in a total fan girl tone and then laugh like he wasn't the one who just defended the last ball and gave him the strike. But Rohit was drowning in his second T20 world cup final win emotions too much to give a fitting reply to his git of best friend.

After, the world cup his friendship with Virat and Jinks had just grown. Even though Jinks wasn't part of the world cup squad and he wasn't part of the test squad still Virat managed to keep them joined somehow. The inclusion of one Jadeja in the beginning had put him off for sometimes. But now everything is well and fine.

And both of them are worrying over their mutual bestie. Even sending help looks towards Mahi bhai, who looked as lost and unhappy as them. No one, in their entire team liked a brooding Virat. They were too used to the Virat in sugar rush mode.

Even Mahi bhai who looked totally mortified when Virat had launched himself on him in the airport yelling "Mahi Bhai" on top of his lungs. Hugging the life out of Mahi Bhai, who looked absolutely shocked and at odds with what to do expression? But he settled on hugging Virat anyway and was till now somewhat used to Virat's antics and indulged him anyway. Rohit had a sneaky suspicion that Mahi bhai actually loves Virat's clingy behavior and antics more than he lets on. But he wasn't going to tell that to Mahi bhai. He loved his life thank you very much.

On the other hand Virat was totally unaware of what his stir crazy behavior was doing to his friends or maybe he was totally aware of it but was enjoying watching them squirm nonetheless.

He was trying his best to not burst out of happiness. After all, it was the day his Bhuvi finally made his entry in the team and Virat was literally counting seconds to his arrival. Bhuvi will be here and Virat was ready to do bhangra just about now. He had even gone as far as suggesting joint flight to Bhuvi but that idiot had declined his offer.

And now, Virat is all hyped up for his arrival. If it was up to him, he would have been ready at the main entrance hall with garlands and all. But one look at him and Bhuvi absolutely threatened him to not do something like that. It would have been so fun yet Bhuvi being the spoilsport that he is threw away all his plans in the ocean.

Now, Virat could just welcome him back normally. How boring?

While thinking so Virat looked around him. Mahi bhai was looking at him worriedly. So, Virat passed a reassuring smile at Mahi bhai. He was fine. He wasn't going to break down like he did after they lost to England 2-1.

Well, he tried his best. He thought he could do that he thought he could change that humiliating defeat in their home ground. But he couldn't. He failed. And that was his burden to carry even though Mahi bhai, Jad and Jinks believed otherwise. They weren't from future. He was and he should have tried a little harder.

Till now, he managed to change certain things like their win in the T20 world cup. Pestering Mahi bhai enough that he agreed to make Rohit open in the next match with Pak with Gauti paji. And controlling his inner desire to yell "Pujji Bhag BC" when he got to bat for the first time with a young Puji during the NZ test series. He will be the greater person and save that cat phrase for Ro. No matter, how greatly he desires to yell it on top of his voice during matches. He was doing just fine in this timeline. Everything was fine except his friendship with Yuvi paji.

IT wasn't as strong as last time. He knew he was avoiding Yuvi paji more often than not. He was still his perfectly polite self with him but he wasn't as close as a brother to him or Bhajji paji. He just couldn't make himself forgive them. He can't forgive them, he amended thinking about their future selves words and he knew it is wrong to hold grudge for something they said in future in past. But he couldn't help it. If they had targeted him, if they had just badmouthed or cursed him, he would have forgiven them without a second thought. 

But this wasn't about him. It was about his kids. They had hurt Harry and his Rahuliya and even though those two idiots had done mastery in hiding their miseries. They couldn't hide it from him like they couldn't hide their depression from him. He had seen them on their lowest, crying in his or Ro's arms. He had heard them wish for their deaths and he had held them. So, he can't just forget all about that, he can't just forgive them. He looks at Yuvi pa and Bhajji pa remembers their words and then remember how badly it hurt his Harry and Rahuliya. 

So, he is kind of avoiding them and he knows Mahi bhai knows something is off. But he is letting it pass for now and that's all Virat needs. For Bhuvi will be here soon and he'll be making sure Virat doesn't do something stupid or he will be thinking apt excuses for both of them. So, everything will be fine. Yups, Virat was totally sure of that fact.

So, now he was waiting for Bhuvi's entry and enjoying the squirming of his besties as they looked at each other trying to find out what's wrong with him? He was pondering  whether he should tell them to stop fidgeting, he is fine or should he enjoy this show for a while? He was deciding this when his phone lit with an incoming call of one and only Bhuvi.

Virat lit up like sunflower startling his friends again.

"You reached" He asked Bhuvi with barely controlled excitement.

"Yeah, I'm in my room right now" Bhuvi informed Virat rolling his eyes at his hyper active friend.

" You my friend don't know how to make an entry. Room number" Virat demanded grumpily

"006 and don't you dare gallop towards my room," Bhuvi warned Virat

"Too late" Virat muttered already half way to the said room as he disconnected the call and banged on Bhuvi's room like his life depended on it.

Bhuvi opened the door looking visibly angry with Virat and before he could start his special "Virat scolding" session. Virat already pounced on him hugging the life out of him and laughing madly.

"You're an idiot," Bhuvi declared fondly hugging Virat. He couldn't express the joy he was feeling getting back in the Indian blues. He won't admit it, god forbid, Virat's ego inflated anymore. He missed this crazy dearly.

"Well, you're here to make sure I don't do idiotic things" Virat said totally cheekily.

While Bhuvirat cheered and celebrated being together in the Indian blues again. Mahi, Ro, Jinks and Jaddu were witnessing this reunion with varying degree of gloom and irritation.

Mahi didn't know why he was feeling that bitter feeling again watching Bhuvi and Virat or Why he had this maddening anger surge when he heard Bhuvii call Virat idiot? And Virat hugged only him in that manner. Why was he hugging this new arrival like this? Mahi didn't know but he knew he didn't like this feeling at all.

~to be continued~

So, Kaise hai app log.

Two updates, One day and now, I'm tired.

So, goood night.

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